Getting back together with my girlfriend.

Discussion in 'General' started by Joe228, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. And they told me nothing good happens to people who smoke weed.:hello::hello::hello: . Happy as fuck
  2. She's a whore.
  3. Fuck you man don't talk shit about her like that!!!!!!!

    Just fuckin with you I don't care lol

  4. feena kick this person in the genitals
  5. Pics or you are Manti Teo'ing
  6. Congrats. Enjoy it while it last again and leave before you are left. Trust me on this one.
  7. #7 ytfghmjb, Jul 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
    edit: can you no longer delete posts?
  8. Poor you, Joe.
    RIP to any manhood you had.
  9. Good luck to you!
  10. Getting back with someone pretty much never works out. Good luck.
  11. This usually only works if you want to keep them on the side for casual sex because there's no real attachment. You start actually dating again and she'll eat your fucking heart out, yo.
  12. F'realllll

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  13. this only works if you're both addicted to heavy narcotics.
  14. Man this happened to me if u really like her and u think it can work out go for it take her back. I know if my girl came back I would take her back but really in the end what do u want to do forget what everyone else says

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  15. Tried that, Heisenberg killed my girlfriend though.

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