I have a dog named dog and a cat named dog, so whenever people ask me what my cat's name is, I tell them his name is dog, so they ask if my dog's name is cat, and I act like they're idiots and tell them my dogs name is dog.
To the OP, "Indica" is a great name! I'm not a dog owner, but when I settle into my new home in about 2 months, I'm getting a dog and naming him/her Sativa.
Registered name: Saint Lucia Call name: Lucifer Nickname: Lucy Registered name is an inside joke with family and friends because she was a terror when she was a puppy. Call name is perfectly accurate. haha
Thats a great name especially if shes lazy and just lounges around I have 2 Dobermans named patron (like the tequila) and chloe
Lol dogs name is quincy, though its really my parents... it just comes to kick it a lot when they arent there. Funny story though, my GF's corn snakes name is Indica, Indie for short lol
My dogs name is Hamlet. When I got him from the rescue league he was with some brothers and sisters who were all named after Shakespeare characters. We thought it was a cool name and left it.
Lizzie, Mo, Fleur, Dougal - Springer Spaniels Skye, Fen, Isla, Denis, Anna, Fergus - Labradors Sandy - English Setter And no, i'm not typing out their full KC names, I don't want to be here until Xmas...
my miniature pinscher is named Bella, but her nick name is Evil Nose and thats what we've called her for years