One time i got searched for weed was after a big concert...sittin outside smokin a J n this unmarked cop car comes speeding on the grass rite 2wards me. I swear it was gunna hit me (coulda just bin the weed talkin) but i ran like ive never ran before..n fell straight into a bush...the car pulls over, grabs me n throw me head first onto the bonnet of the car n starts padding me down I ha dno idea they were cops until they shone ther torches in my face aksin if ive bin smokin n pullin out ther badges..Had my bong wrapped up in a jumper n my weed in my sock..They never found anything
[quote='CauseIgotHigh]One time i got searched for weed was after a big concert...sittin outside smokin a J n this unmarked cop car comes speeding on the grass rite 2wards me. I swear it was gunna hit me (coulda just bin the weed talkin) but i ran like ive never ran before..n fell straight into a bush...the car pulls over, grabs me n throw me head first onto the bonnet of the car n starts padding me down I ha dno idea they were cops until they shone ther torches in my face aksin if ive bin smokin n pullin out ther badges..Had my bong wrapped up in a jumper n my weed in my sock..They never found anything [/quote] Crazy brits. bonnet=hood, torches=flashlights, jumper=sweater. A little fixing on the spelling is prolly needed, but he was prolly high when he wrote this.
[quote='CauseIgotHigh]One time i got searched for weed was after a big concert...sittin outside smokin a J n this unmarked cop car comes speeding on the grass rite 2wards me. I swear it was gunna hit me (coulda just bin the weed talkin) but i ran like ive never ran before..n fell straight into a bush...the car pulls over, grabs me n throw me head first onto the bonnet of the car n starts padding me down I ha dno idea they were cops until they shone ther torches in my face aksin if ive bin smokin n pullin out ther badges..Had my bong wrapped up in a jumper n my weed in my sock..They never found anything [/quote] Shit you got off easy homie. Runnin from the police will always get your ass in jail where im from. Get your ass beat then take you to jail and strip search your ass. Dont tell em a name book ya under John Doe and sit there until you give them a name.
you got the right to run from a unmarked cop cause u could think it was some crazy lonney! and if they dont tell u to stop then u have nothing againist u.. anyhow kinda wtf kinda story, but man u got fuckin lucky! maybe the cop was stoned heh