Yeah so out door monsoon season wanna plant near tributaries to creeks And ways what's best for water retention Good top cover is a must but what else
this link is very good, some ideas i have overlooked. We have used the buried clay pot method here at home.
You might consider Hugelkultur. After reading and researching these links, if you have any questions, post them here. Jerry has a really successful Hugelkultur bed and can offer a good deal of insight. The biggest plus is that once it's set up, you rarely if ever have to irrigate.
Hiya buzwell, one thing that may interest you is Hugelkultur.This is a method of burying logs below soil level to increase water holding capacity immensely.Start a hugelkultur plot with some good organic soil on top and you will be golden!HthtjEdit: chunk beat me to it lol