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Germination/Sprout Question

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by adrimity, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Hello,
    I have been reading through the forums and I am getting mixed answers to this question... so maybe there is no right/wrong and it is just personal preference?  I just germinated my seed and the little white root is peeking out of my seed.  Just got a red solo cup, poked some holes in it, put soil in it, ran water through it, let it sit for a bit to drain and put the seed about 1/2in down and put a little soil over it.
    Now my question is: Do I put light on it or not?  I have read posts where people say to put it in the shade.  But I have also read posts where people say to begin the 18/6 or 20/4 cycle on it with light.  Which do I do?  I had it under my LED grow light for about 30mins right after I put the seed in the soil, until I read some posts about how you are supposed to put it in the shade.  So right now I have it sitting on my desk in my room with the blinds slightly open to mimic shade.  So which is the correct way?

  2. the only reason you'd need the light before it breaks thru the soil is for warmth ;)
  3. [quote name="TheAnswer121" post="19387051" timestamp="1390421057"]the only reason you'd need the light before it breaks thru the soil is for warmth ;)[/quote]Any idea what the ideal temp is? My room is currently 68F and I know the LED light boosts the temp a few degrees if I put it in my grow room. Around 73-74ish degrees F.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. mid 70's is optimum. leave the lights on
  5. [quote name="TheAnswer121" post="19387067" timestamp="1390421289"]mid 70's is optimum. leave the lights on[/quote]Ok back under the LED it goes! Do you suggest I leave the light on 24/7 then to keep the temp steady?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. three things seedlings need: moisture warmth air/oxygen
    u can run the light 18/6 20/4
    i like a little dark period for a natural feel
  7. [quote name="bongboi" post="19387341" timestamp="1390424910"]three things seedlings need: moisture warmth air/oxygenu can run the light 18/6 20/4i like a little dark period for a natural feel[/quote]Sounds good! I plan on doing 18/6 for veg so I'll do that for this sprouting stage too. I just don't want to have a lot of fluctuation in temperature as I'm sure it isn't the best for the early sprouting stage.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  8. 78 degrees is ideal under 70 is bad over 90 is bad. seedlings need reduced light until they are established good luck
  9. #9 adrimity, Jan 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2014
    Thank you for the help guys!  However one last question... In order to get more oxygen to the seedling is it recommended I take the plastic bag off the cup a few times a day for a couple of minutes in order to get more oxygen to it?  Or should I just leave the bag on?  I am using FFOF for soil if that helps answer the question...
  10. they need co2 not oxygen but if you're seedling is already out and have leaves then dont put the plastic on top
  11. [quote name="cpt TeTra" post="19389299" timestamp="1390445388"]they need co2 not oxygen but if you're seedling is already out and have leaves then dont put the plastic on top[/quote]That would make sense considering photosynthesis turns co2 into oxygen... *facepalm*. I will leave the bag on until I see a sprout :)Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  12. UPDATE!
    Alright so it has finally sprouted, however you will see in the attached picture that the seed casing is still on the sprout.  I do not plan to mess with it; I will let mother nature take its course.  However I want to know whether or not I should keep the plastic bag over it or remove it now?  I know you are supposed to remove it at the first sign of leaves, however in this case I am not sure as to what to do since the seed casing is still covering the leaves underneath it.
  13. thats perfect now just have it under the light without the plastice top and the shell will slowly fall off
  14. Alright cool!  I will remove the plastic bag in a sec.  Do you have a suggestion as to how far away the light should be from the plant at this stage?  It is a 300W(180ish actual watts) LED grow light.  I currently have it about 6 inches away from the top of the cup, so about 7in away from the actual plant.  Is this too far away?
  15. thats a good distance..and as the plant gets closer too the light just move it up lil by lil
  16. [quote name="cpt TeTra" post="19399295" timestamp="1390593484"]thats a good distance..and as the plant gets closer too the light just move it up lil by lil[/quote]Ok thank you! Sorry for all the questions but I want to make sure I don't screw anything up in the beginning stages of the plant's growth ;)Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  17. its all good thats what this place is for..

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