germination question

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Smithnpeek, Nov 6, 2003.

  1. In the grow guide that I read it states that you can germinate seeds by way of the paper towel method. It says to soak the paper towels in nutrient solution, however i read somewhere else that water would do the same thing, does this statement hold any water? - pun intended.

    here is the paragraph:

    You can germinate seeds in a paper towel. This method is tricky; it's easy to ruin roots if they dry out, or are planted too late after germinating. Paper towels dry out REAL FAST! Place paper towel in a bowl, saturated with weak nutrient solution (not too much!), and cover with plastic wrap to keep it from drying out. Put bowl in a warm area; top of the gas stove, water heater closet, or above warm lamps. Cover with black paper to keep out light. Check every 12 hours and plant germinated seeds with the grow tip up (if possible) in a growing medium as soon as the root coming out of the seed is 1/16" or longer. Use tweezers, and don't touch the root tip.

    the site:
  2. yep..i'd just use water..shouldn't add much when seedlings are so young..
  3. NO FERTS until at least 2 weeks after the the seedling has actually sprouted (in the dirt with a stem and two leaves)
  4. I use 3 paper towels a dinner plate and a tupperware plastic bowl.

    Fold the 1st piece of paper towel in half, then fold the second piece of P.T. in half then fold it in half again open that 2nd fold back up and put the seeds against the 2nd fold. Then do the 3rd piece like the 1st one. Then get yourself a spray bottle and thourly wet the P.T. and drain any excess watter off of the plate. Then put the tupperware plastic bowl(same size as dinner plate) over it and put it on top of your computer monitor. Leave the puter on 24/7 and you will have sprouts in 2 days. I just recently attempted to sprouted 16 seeds and out of 16, 15 sprouted. Works like a charm.

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