What's it mean when a seed has "popped" but there's no white taproot? Is it safe to go ahead and put in the medium? It's been the same for 24hrs now. The others are all in the medium. The berry bomb and critical seeds were germed in just 24 hours. This one called silverback (bighead) has been in the towel for 48 hours. It's been split for 24 hrs now. Just no tap. I've adjusted the ph of the water. As well as kept them dark and warm. Can I go ahead and plant it?Sent from my SM-N900V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Put it in your medium, and lightly moisten the soil around them. I personally don't germ them seperately, just pop them right into my hydroton. This ensures they don't dry out or get damaged when transfering
All I do for germination is put them in a cup of water overnight. After that put them in the dirt, LIGHTLY water them, then leave them alone until they are DRY. I usually only lose about 1 out of 25-30 seeds using this method for years...
If you want but I'd wait for the taproot to be about half an inch long then gently transfer to a little hole made with ear bud or tooth pick 1/4 inch deep, ...avoid growing to many different strains first time, you will not hear them speak to you ...!
[quote name="TheAnswer121" post="19392687" timestamp="1390501539"]Put it in your medium, and lightly moisten the soil around them. I personally don't germ them seperately, just pop them right into my hydroton. This ensures they don't dry out or get damaged when transfering [/quote]Well the silverback never popped out her tap root. Not sure why but she was KIA. Pineapple chunk and berry bomb are doing well. Still unsure of the lighting situation (in the last post I made)Sent from my SM-N900V using Grasscity Forum mobile app