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Germination help please(first grow) autoflowering seed

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by refermadness420, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. This could be well over a week, be patient, keep it moist. I would recommend however next time doing the paper towel trick. I used to not do it and just do the soil thing and I had a massive fail rate. Lately I have been 100% successful doing the paper towel method. ONLY thing you have to look out for using the paper towel method is being EVER SO GENTLE with the seed when it pops and you are handling it with the taproot exposed.

    I hope you seed sprouts healthy and ready to produce massive bud :D
  2. Is there anything else I can do to make sure it sprouts
  3. With the seed in the soil already? Just keep it moist and be patient :D
  4. Patience is the name of the game. As hard as it can be sometimes we have to just forget about are ladies a little so they can do their thing.
  5. When I seeds directly in the soil mine usually take from 3-7 days for all to sprout. Remember once you remove the humidity dome to spray the plants with water lightly each day to let them get used to the dryer air.
  6. thanks guys :) keep the info coming
  7. may I ask, why didnt you do the ole' paper towel trick?? it really does help speed things along.

    When I first tried, i had a few seeds in some soil, and I never got any of those bad boy to take sprout, I hope you have better luck then I did. What is the ave. temp of the room their in?
  8. well i saw some one who was doing it this way and i had heard that if you do the paper towel trick it can kill the seeds. i really hope i didnt mess it up!!1 :(
    its at 83 right now
  9. [quote name='"refermadness420"']well i saw some one who was doing it this way and i had heard that if you do the paper towel trick it can kill the seeds. i really hope i didnt mess it up!!1 :(
    its at 83 right now[/quote]

    I've germinated a super bud and northern lights seed. 48 hours in damp paper towels. Just potted tonight.
    So far I've done 5 seeds with 100% success.
  10. Have you ever just straight planted the seed? Should i dig it up and do the paper towel trick or is it to late??
  11. [quote name='"refermadness420"']Have you ever just straight planted the seed? Should i dig it up and do the paper towel trick or is it to late??[/quote]

    I've only done paper towel. Still just a newbie so couldn't advise on moving it now. It may of started depending on how long u had it in there.
  12. its been in there for 48 hours first 24 in a moister dome moister close to 90% now i took the dome off im keeping soil wet and humility is at about 50% temp is 75
  13. It will sprout, be patient. The only good thing about the paper towel trick is that you can make certain it germs before you plant it. Keep it in a dark warm spot til it sprouts. Good luck!
  14. I hope it sprouts if not ill be so sad. I keep checking it but im not gonna check till tomro. Any help you guys can give will be much needed
  15. I actually don't do the paper towel trick. I did before , until one time it was extremely moldy, could of been one bad seed but it contaminated every one. All I do is grab a cup of water, fill it with grade A water, label the cup and drop the seeds in. Within 24-36 hrs all seeds should have taproot, unless dried up. Then plant and wait upto a week for sprout.

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