I have long admired geometry and geometric art so I recently decided to draw some of my own. I got a 3dollar ruler and a 3dollar compass and semi-circular protractor, I figured I would see if I got into and learned what I required in these tools. Here are a few, keep in mind I have only been at it for a few days so they will get more symmetrical and complex as I learn. I would also like to see any you guys have done, inspire me! Any tips or tool ideas would be appreciated as well.
Those are great, thanks for sharing. I like the second and third pics in particular because they have similar shapes as one that I'm interested in. It's maybe the only other shape that's not a circle that has the same diameter any way you measure off of center.
That is pretty cool! I love geometric art as well, especially when it's based off the flower of life. My favorite artist is MC escher (spelling?), he has immaculate precision with his hand eye!
http://www.mcescher.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/LW306-MC-Escher-Sky-and-Water-I-1938.jpg When I'm wealthy I would love some originals This guy was ahead of his time, drawing stuff that required computers, but didn't exist yet.
I love fractal art, and that is great! I have a thread of some of my fractals in the art section, feel free to add some of yours!
Added more to the last one, I like it except the triangle. I am going to shade some of it to give it a 3d effect, we will see how it goes!
I labelled the layers 1-4 so it's easier to see. I colored it so any spike is colored the opposite of the one across from it. So it's symmetrical in that sense but I should have probably just made it look 3d with lighting and shading. IDK, I spent a long time thinking about it before and during... I must confess with all the lines and layers it was too much for me to visualize. I hope that ability is amplified as I do this more frequently.