Genetics for hieght restricted grow?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by italian stallion, Oct 7, 2007.

  1. Hey everyone. was looking for advise for beans for a hieght restrcted grow. About 34 inch limit. Growing in a new phototron. I figure based on the size of the tron I should be able to grow atleast 3 plants. The directions with the Phototron reccomend alot of pruning during the end of veg stage and also alot of weaving of lateral shoots. They also rec. topping all the plants to get a bushier plant. I was thinking a plant that grew one cola and not very tall may work well too.
    Any thoughts would be great.
  2. Lowryder #2 seeds are the obvious answer. They grow low and autoflower, finishing about 2 and 1/2 months. Just keep the light on them 24 hours a day (or 18 if you prefer).

    You could also just go with some type indica. They're normally shorter, bushier plants. You can use LST and top them to keep the height in check. There's a great how-to on this site for LST'ing. You'll probably only want to veg for a month or a little more so the plants don't grow too tall during the flowering cycle.
  3. Thanks mt308. That low rider#2 seems too good to be true. I'll try it. Thanks for the input.
  4. Lowryder is a great stealthy strain but I've heard its potency leaves a lot to be desired.
  5. I heard someone mention a lowrider/ak47 cross??? that sounds good. That was what i heard about the low rider too.
  6. i was wondering what the potency of low ryder was, since i wanted my next grow to possibly be just that, since its basically a no maintenance grow... but how comparable is the potency? regular old chronic or worse than that?

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