General Acid questions

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by NewportMan, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. ok so.. sorry if there are threads like this already, i actually searched alot and couldnt find much, so thanks ahed of time for anyone who answers my silly questions!

    1. so i was gonna buy acid off this dude for 3-4$ a hit, is that a good deal? and by hit what exactly does he mean? (what form of acid would this be)

    2. how many forms can acid come in? (i know of blotters, is there pills acid comes in too?)

    3. what would be an ideal chill acid trip alone?? and what would be good to do with a good friend??

    4. how much acid did you take your first time? and was it an enjoyable trip? did you wish you took a little less? or maybe a little more?

    thanks so much gc! feel free to pm me about anything, thanks!.
  2. 3-4$ is pretty cheap. I've bought hits for 10$ and once for 5$. You'd have to ask him what form they're in, "hits" could mean alotta things.

    blotters, gel tabs, microdots(tiny pill), liquid (that is dropped onto candies or anything)

    anything is fun tripping, going on walks, music, smokin weed, anything that doesnt require alot of effort

    i took two hits my first time and i thought it was a perfect amount for my first time.

    since the hits your buying are pretty cheap, they probly wont be too strong

  3. thanks alot man, any more opinions would be nice too.
  4. $3-4 is really cheap, normal is $10 around here, $3-4 would be if you were getting a whole sheet (100 tabs for $300-500)

    blotter is the most common but you will also sometimes see microdot or geltab

    an alone acid trip? lots to smoke, trippy movies, cool music, visualizers, meditation, maybe read some philosophy if you're not tripping too hard
    -with a good friend I'd say the same things except maybe not reading, but you could still read meditations from the Tao or something, I find that's always a positive experience. also, maybe some light sports like shooting some hoops or throwing around a frisbee.

    we can't recommend a dosage but I can say that I started with 2 hits, as did some other people that I know, and that seems to be a reasonable starting dose for many people, though that would generally include previous hallucinogen use, ie mushrooms.

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