Geek/Band Tattoo thread

Discussion in 'Tattoo, Piercings and Body Art' started by MinusTheBeae, May 17, 2011.

  1. Soooo as you guessed this thread is about awesome "geek" and band tattoos. I'll start off by posting my FFVIII tattoo of Squalls Griever xD. I'm about to get a glitch mob tat soon so I'll post it when it happens.

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  2. Badass if you ask me
  3. I'm getting a CMYK registration mark on the inside of my left wrist as a graduation present to myself.

  4. i got music written in musical notation down my ribs then a speaker projecting th e4 primary waves of sound ( sine square saw triangle) turning into the music
  5. That CMYK tattoo Is gonna be awesome!!! And hell yeah you do work with novation? That tatt sounds pretty amazing, I've been trying to figure out a production tattoo I could get since I've fallen in love with DJing and producing music.
  6. I have A7X tattooed on my inner ankle, that band's music helped me through a lot of hard times. I have a few moar band tattoos in the pipeline, music means a lot to me :rolleyes:

  7. Awesome! I was thinking about getting the bat symbol but idk yet. I doubt if I'll want that on me at 60 years old :O
  8. wait till you fuckers see my sleeve of her beating up that car with an umbrella once it's colored in...
  9. Im getting the Ride The Lightning Metallica album on my back
  10. I want to get the Pi symbol on my arm, thats kinda geekish
  11. my best friend has the C&C symbol right between his shoulderblades. looks dank, I'll see if I can try to get a pic of it on him, but it's this symbol:

  12. Hell yeah I love the C&C symbol, it looks sweet as a tattoo. This is what I'm getting tomorrow if things go as planned

    Attached Files:

  13. are you talking to me? i do use novation stuff i have a launchpad and a nocturn for aableton live 8
  14. If i did it would be loosely based off of one of these two albums
    but i likely will not, As much as i loved that bands old music, i want any tattoos i get to be unique and have some personal meaning to me

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