g'day from W.A

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by fairyjane, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. hey :wave:i'm new here (obviously) :p i'm from western australia, i'm a stay at home mum at the mo can't wait to get back into it :) i love my weed and i love to chat, i've just moved to the coast so i'm havin a bit of a hard time finding the green cuz i don't know any1 yet, my time will come i hope! hehe...til then i'm growing my own so i joined here for tips and to maybe meet sum fellow stoners to chat with....anyway enuff dribble that's me for now byeeee :wave:
  2. im also from wa:smoking: north of river

    I get my weed from a bikie, if you dont know anyone at all you could try asking around at your local tafe, alot of dealers but hit and miss stuff
  3. i don't live in Perth i'm in Esperance, lil town, all the ppl i have met so far don't smoke weed lol just my luck
  4. ahh ok well in not really sure about down there.

    Not sure how far away that is from margeret river but that place is hippy central so I would assume it has some weed

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