Gave up believing in God.

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by dirty old man, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Right....who's fucking life is it after all?
    We all get down...
    We all go thru shit...
    Get up and keep going....

    You may find me from time to time sifting thru the mess i have lived thru....
    But not to find someone or something to blame....
    To see what i can learn to do better now...
    that shit is done and gone
    Here we stand...NOW....what will you do with it....
    Make something of it....or fall to decay..

  2. Always good to let go of believing. Gets in the way of what is real. Defining something outside of you only creates a feeling of here and there, us and them, me and you. Believing in any idea must always come to be seen as no longer needed because it was always just an idea.

    That doesn't mean there is nothing to realise, nothing to experience, just that the egoic mind will not do so. It is not something to be captured and held - look, here it is! Not something to be proven or convinced of. Not something to be revealed so that everyone goes - Aahh! of course. I believe now. That's all bollocks.

    Doesn't mean the Universe isn't conscious in a way that we are all aware of on some level because we are all this consciousness. One. The moment the egoic mind thinks it's found something, you are on the journey to realising that there is nothing there.

    So, how to reconcile the idea that drives us mad, that keeps us caught inside its possibility? In many ways, you don't have to. It will reconcile itself once the ideas have been released. Once there is no longer a need to believe something that is only a construct, then the truth can make itself known. What is the truth? It is found in the presence. In the stillness. It is always there but not always seen. It is very real though, but is easily covered up with all the ideas and shit we focus on and surround ourselves with.

    So it's not something to be found, but something that finds you when you let it, when you stop getting yourself in the way of who you really are. It requires no definition or belief to know it, for it is as much YOU as anything. Just perhaps not the you that you know yourself to be.
  3. #23 Boats And Hoes, Mar 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2013
    Most of u need to ruminate over this... and understand that ur shell/empirical being, the v.o.c. (victim of circumstance), isn't really U; u are a fluid and reflective being, i.e., spirit, placed into eternity, who is meant to contemplate existence, and not, SOLELY, existence in relation to u!

    There is something out there much more grand than us... bringing all of us together; u may deem it bad or good, but realize these are completely hollow and subjective terms when ascertaining the validity of the full picture (because we will always have a incomplete perception of the picture, i.e., a partial and pre-mature judgement.)

    Gravity is a property of mass... scientists can't explain why this is so;
    but, I can... gravity is an inherent property of everything that exists, because everything that exists isn't really separated; our pre-hardwired minds are what enables this illusion to seem like the end all be all of reality. This illusion is a transient reality we were ALL meant to experience (in order to further the dialectic of this mundane realm; we are beings living out, vicariously, the Divine design of thee Being). We are all connected and dependent on each other... stemming from ONE source (ever heard of the big bang or evolution). So, things which seem disparate, gravitate towards each other because they're intrinsically aware of the reality we can't "see" (the reality that there is no reality without the necessary united ONE); but, if u learn to feel it (as matter inherently feels the power of gravity), its truth shines brighter than the sun.

    What is the greatest form of expression a human can manifest... love! That warmth and love which brings humans together for a cause GREATER THAN THEMSELVES attests to the reality that we are beings who are inclined to spread love vibes; it is in our very nature to appreciate, with all our heart, that love and warmth which we come from. THE LOVE OF THE ONE IS IN ALL OF US... FOR WE ARE A JUST MANIFESTATION OF THAT ETERNAL WARMTH AND UNITED LOVE. And to those who are are quick to bring up the atrocities which humans commit and have committed, and believe this to be a valid reason not to believe in an all-loving God, they don't understand they're fortifying a fatal fallacy....! Namely, mistaking the effect for the cause!
  4. So you quit believing in God based off of what humans do?
  5. I think he gave up believing in any gods because he realized if they do exist they obviously don't really give a shit about us as much as we'd like to think.

  6. Why would God care about someone who doesn't believe in His Divine Will?

    If you beat the shit out of your dog and neglect to feed it, surely you wouldn't expect your dog to love you anymore....right?

    Misconception: God loves everyone.

    Truth: God loves only those He deems worthy.
  7. This totally missed my point.
  8. I find the idea of a conditionally loving god odd.

  9. must not know many Catholics....:eek:;):smoking:
  10. Come on bruh bruh, you really gonna blame a god for your problems or the world's problems? Thats pretty pathetic.

    I personally don't know man. I believe there's a god, but I don't know at the same time ya feel me. I think about this every day. Idk man.
  11. He said he doesn't believe God is real anymore.

    If he was blaming God for the world's problems, then he would technically still be a believer. You would have to believe God is real in the first place if you're going to blame him for anything.
  12. I wouldn't want that as my god. Even I could be more compassionate.

    To the OP. I say your cries to this "god" are falling upon deaf ears.

    We create our own problems, and thus we have to deal with them. I would stop cursing a god you don't believe in and move on like Dingus said. Life sucks and it's harsh. The weak are meat and the strong do eat.

    But you have to plow throw that shit. Own it. Whenever you acquire something - whether it be food or a nice new car, why thank god when you did it? Same goes the other way. If something bad happens, why blame it on this god as well? It's apparent that there is nothing meddling with our affairs, but of course I could be wrong - as I am Agnostic.

    But seriously. Move on with blaming this entity that probably was never there in the first place.

  13. True true, but using your problems and the negativity which surrounds the world as a reason for not believing in god is stupid.
  14. I suppose.

    But, then using your happiness and positive things in the world as a reason for believing in God would also be just as stupid as well.

  15. That's true as well.

  16. The few I do know, they seem a little... odd. ;)
  17. God thinks like a "dog" ? :D
  18. Oh ! ( God ) ..not again ..:)
    Again, we get the same old argument. God vs Science.
    Let's take science, to begin with.
    1. We live on a Planet...called..Earth.
    2. Our planet resides in our Galaxy...called .. the Milky Way.
    3. Our galaxy resides in a place called the UNIVERSE !!!
    4. What makes anyone of you qualified enough to believe in 'anything'. ??

    Now, let's look at God.
    1.Which God are you referring to ?
    2.From what you know about God, did He or She create the world/Universe ?..
    ..and, of course, what is your proof ?
    3.And, most important of all ! What is God to you ?

    The notion that 'Alien' life far in advanced of what we have hear on planet Earth, can not exist, or even come here and tamper with DNA or LIFE in general is totally absurd.
    For...fucks sake we (humans) are doing that right now.
    So....fucking grow up !!!....just kidding .... )

  19. Who is God? What is his purpose? To make people believe in false hope? Be Good? God loves who? Thank God? Thank God for what? I stopped feeling negative the day I stopped believing in this false story book figure. I told my wife, I stopped believing in God, no argument from her. My life has gotten better since that summer day when I gave up in him. No more why's, more positve energy within me. Weird. But true. Still not rich, have 1 house, 1 car, 1 dog, my loving wife and children. I'm happy today. No more false hope and praying and asking for forgivness, silly habits that I don't do anymore. I'm Free.

  20. That answers most of my questions....
    Who knows what you my that you have removed the leash....

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