Gave my girlfriend cold sores....fml

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by cjbluntz, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Hi, I do not have herpes in my genital area.  I have cold sores on my lips around once a year.  I do not plan on leaving her.  I want to stay with her.  I have never gone down on her while having an outbreak or while my lip tingles or even 2 weeks after my lip breaks out.  I'm sorry that you have had the same situation, and yes it is hsv-1.  She just got the results today.
  2. You can catch it without you having an "outbreak" at the time.

    And you are right you are very unlikely to ever get genital herpes because you already got em on your mouth.
    I was thinking because her medical history made her a bit more susceptible to get it possibly?
  3. #23 furittus, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    Shes overeacting. It will blow over. Sent from my SGH-I337M using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  4. #24 I Am Neo, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    Bullshit. May make the chosen few feel better about themselves though.
  5. 22 posts and you come in on that shit? Welcome to GC fucker, you is definitely a blade.
    Kids need somebody who can explain the big cruel world...
  7. Dude, I had this hot ass chick tell me I gave her chlamydia... so since she had it I had to go to the clinic... Test came back NEG A FUCK A TIVE.... showed her that shit, she cried, apologized and sucked my dick. I never called her again. Fucking bitch!
  8. Damn straight man. Crazy init... Considering it ain't that complicated. Lol.
  9. OP, you're still young, plenty of time to get some real STD's and spread the love. Move on. She'll be back if she enjoyed getting it. If not,.... Mom's right down the road. Ain't that what you said?
  10. Hsv-1 is no big deal at all. Most people on earth have it.

    To the girl in this thread claiming shes an expert on "herpes" you literally made me laugh out loud. Herpes 2 is the one to watch out for. If you think you have to stay with someone or have insecurity over it thats your own delusion.


    To OP, fuck that girl. Theres 3.5 billion women on this Earth. Unless shes mutated to have some unique gift, she might as well be a microscopic bacteria in a petri dish.

    Why would you want o be with someone who has as many health problems/delusions anyways? Imagine mixing your dna with her and having a really wanna pass that absurdity onto your children?

    Just think about it.
  11. #31 nascarfan, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    Tell her to chill out and woman the fuck up. Shit happens. She knew you had HSV-1. So she knew there was a risk of this (or if she didn't, she should have. I can't believe how uninformed some people are about STDs).
    HSV-1 can absolutely infect the genitals, just as HSV-2 can infect the mouth. But luckily for her, these viruses have a preference in which area of the body they infect. When they don't infect the "right" area, outbreaks are usually few and far between; some people never have any at all after the initial outbreak. And for what it's worth, the outbreaks, if they do happen, are not nearly as severe as HSV-2 outbreaks in the genital area. Oh, and you're a lot less likely to transmit it sexually if you have an oddball "wrong area" infection.
    Oh, and btw, if she's gone down on you at all, you might have it too (other than on your lips I mean), because you've probably transmitted it orally to her.
    Yes, you only had one outbreak because you got the wrong sort of herpes for that region of your body. More than likely, the infection will stay dormant for the rest of your life. And you're really not terribly likely to pass it on at all (not that you shouldn't inform your partners or anything). I would venture a guess to say that most people have HSV-1 in the genital area, just because of how common it is orally. But again, most of the time, it causes no symptoms, except for maybe an initial outbreak which can easily be missed.
    HSV-1 is really not the infection you'd want to be most concerned about. It's harmless. I'm more worried about getting Chicken Pox than HSV-1.
  13. In 5 years when you get married, move into a house, and have a child, will you forget about your ex in the hospitol bed barely able to eat and hanging onto life by tubes in her arm?

  14. Girls call it cold sores, you have herpes bro
  15. this shit right here....women are filthy creatures
  16. I have never had sex and never had a cold sore. Coincidence? I think not.
  17. I hope things work out for you man an you two stay togeathor

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