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gateway theory

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ChronBong, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. so yesterday, my parents caught me and it didnt turn out so well. i dont want to get into details but they said i was an addict and i told them very clearly that if i wanted to stop, i could but i dont have a reason to and that its a part of my life. and they said im in denial.

    that pisses me off so bad that they think im an addict. i tried showing them the union but they were too ignorant to watch it. i know the gateway theory is a bunch of crap. do you guys believe in the theory? theyre pretty pissed but im so thankful they didnt punish me with anything college related. do you guys have any tips to educate them? i just need some help please.
  2. I believe people that dont have strong minds fall into the gateway theory. People that are smart enough to make there own decisions wont have a problem.
  3. i've done a lot of the harder drugs and can say that weed had nothing to do with me wanting to try them. it's just a personal decision
  4. the only gateway bud opens is the gateway to the refrigerator
  5. alcohol is a gateway drug... most people have tried alcohol before cannabis. so is alhocol a gateway drug too?

    the gateway theory is a bit flawed imo.
  6. The Myth of Marijuana's Gateway Effect (news - no date)
    The Myth of Marijuana's Gateway Effect

    Marijuana And The Gateway Theory (full - 1996) Marijuana And The Gateway Theory

    Cannabis Use- A Gateway to other Drugs? The Case of Amsterdam (full - 1997)

    Does cannabis lead to taking other drugs? (faq - 1998)
    Does cannabis lead to taking other drugs?

    Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol releases and facilitates the effects of endogenous enkephalins: reduction in morphine withdrawal syndrome without change in rewarding effect. (abst – 2001) Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol releases and facilitat... [Eur J Neurosci. 2001] - PubMed result

    Reassessing the gateway effect (full - 2002)

    Twin study fails to prove 'gateway' hypothesis (letter - 2003)

    Is cannabis a stepping-stone for cocaine? (abst – 2003) Is cannabis a stepping-stone for cocaine? [J Health Econ. 2003] - PubMed result

    Endogenous cannabinoids are not involved in cocaine reinforcement (abst - 2004)
    ScienceDirect - European Neuropsychopharmacology : Endogenous cannabinoids are not involved in cocaine reinforcement and development of cocaine-induced behavioural sensitization

    Study Questions Marijuana As Gateway Drug (news - 2006)
    Join Together | The Partnership at

    No 'Smoking' Gun: Research Indicates Teen Marijuana Use Does Not Predict Drug, Alcohol Abuse (news - 2006) No 'Smoking' Gun: Research Indicates Teen Marijuana Use Does Not Predict Drug, Alcohol Abuse

    Gateway To Nowhere? The Evidence That Pot Doesn't Lead To Heroin
    (news - 2006)
    Gateway To Nowhere? The Evidence That Pot Doesn't Lead To Heroin: The Hempire - [cannabis, london]

    Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychotropic Component of Cannabis, Inhibits Cue-Induced Heroin Seeking and Normalizes Discrete Mesolimbic Neuronal Disturbances
    (full - 2009) Cannabidiol, a nonpsychotropic component of cannabis, inhibits cue-induced heroin-seeking and normalizes discrete mesolimbic neuronal disturbances

    Adolescent Exposure to Chronic Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Blocks Opiate Dependence in Maternally Deprived Rats (full - 2009)
    Neuropsychopharmacology - Adolescent Exposure to Chronic Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Blocks Opiate Dependence in Maternally Deprived Rats

    CLAIM #13:MARIJUANA IS A "GATEWAY" TO THE USE OF OTHER DRUGS (news - 2009) Erowid Cannabis Vault : Exposing Marijuana Myths

    The Surprising Effect Of Marijuana On Morphine Dependence (news - 2009)
    The surprising effect of cannabis on morphine dependence

    Active Ingredient In Cannabis Eliminates Morphine Dependence In Rats
    (news - 2009) Active Ingredient In Cannabis Eliminates Morphine Dependence In Rats

    Evaluating the drug use "gateway" theory using cross-national data: Consistency and associations of the order of initiation of drug use among participants in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. (full - 2010) Evaluating the drug use

    Risk Of Marijuana's 'Gateway Effect' Overblown (news - 2010)
    Risk Of Marijuana's 'Gateway Effect' Overblown - Science News - redOrbit

    Teen Pot Smoking Won't Lead to Other Drugs as Adults (news- 2010)
    Teen Pot Smoking Won't Lead to Other Drugs as Adults

    Hope that helps! :D

    Granny :wave:
  7. No, they were too smart to be persuaded by some movie.
  8. Yeah it gateways you into hash haha. No, if you're going to do other drugs, it's not because the plant that was harmless and legal 90 years ago and used for thousands told you to.

    NO thanks to dick nose Richard Nixon, your parents have been brainwashed and as a result they are in denial.

    Tell them they are in denial about being in denial. Then look at your dad and say "pull your needle junk out of your butt."

    "mom, that's a nice ass hat you have on, because your heads up your ass."

    Light up, chief it, throw the J on the ground, and exit - like a boss.
  9. The gateway theory is correct, just not to the same extent or in the same way as people describe it. Since you have to make illegal transactions, you'll have easier access to other drugs, which makes it more likely you might try them than not.

    But really, if you don't want to try other drugs, it's easy to say no to them.
  10. Wow, you're fucking disrespectful.
  11. Granny, you are hands down one of my favorite people on these forums.

    OP, print out every article on grannies list and put it on your parents bed.
  12. its bullshit government propaganda. guess what me and EVERY one of my friends drank that legal stuff alcohol way before we ever smoked weed so if anything alcohol is the gateway. plus as some said above weed had nothing to do with me trying other shit i tried other shit to try other shit i wasnt like oh weed your so good you make me want to do every drug. its called high school we all get fucked up then and do stupid shit that doesnt mean weed is to blame though the decision maker (me and you guys) is responsible.
  13. my theory- people say drugs are bad. weeds bad. cokes bad. meths bad. heroines bad. but when u smoke some weed and ur like this isn't that bad, then you think well if people say weeds bad and it's not then cokes not that bad. so u try coke. and get cracked out. and your sol.

    stay above the ignorance
  14. thanks a lot guys. i told them why it was illegal and they just didnt care. and on the union, when it stated the popular myths about marijuana like the gateway theory, my dad listened to that and said thats enough proof to him and then went to his room.

    i think they just dont want to be persuaded that it is not bad because then they will feel defeated. my dad doesnt have a problem with me drinking but he has a huge problem with me smoking. i dont get it.

    my sisters bf in highschool, started out smoking and then he started doing all sorts of hardcore drugs and ruined his life, i know thats why theyre scared but they set all of their examples with him. they dont look at all the other people who have smoked and became succesful. it just pisses me off that they dont listen to me or believe me. i have a bright future ahead of me and i know better than to ruin it. i have no urge whatsoever to do any other drug.

    thank you for all the feedback you guys. i will be reading those links in a minute granny.

  15. Oh god, quit being so Republican.
  16. What? I'm hard Dem, liberal, anti-military, pro-choice etc.

    Doing that would be a disrespectful prick move to anyone, but to your parents who are concerned about you (read: care about you) it's even worse.

  17. [​IMG]

    Right. And which part did you take seriously exactly?

  18. Dame republicans can't even understand jokes.
  19. the gateway theory is for sure real but its not because weed makes you want to do other drugs its because the people you have to meet to buy weed from either introduce you to other drugs or introduce you to people who are into harder drugs. its still every persons individual choice if they do hard drugs or not. but knowing people who do them/sell them makes it a x100 easier
  20. Alright, here is a full-proof plan that works everytime, man, everytime Goddamnit!

    First sit your parents down, have your mother fix all of you something to eat and drink (this goes a long way since women love fixing things for men). After she is done cleaning up after herself in the kitchen and sitting down (she might seem a bit flustered from all of her kitchen duties, this is normal) make sure your dad sits next to her and you sit across from them both...Look them in the eye and repeat this: "I quit smoking."

    Don't get caught.:cool:

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