Gate Night

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Chamonix, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. So last night was gate night or hell/devils night. The night people go around egging house, smashing pumpkins and generally causing ruckus.

    Now this thread isn't for people to get all preachy about the moral implications of smoking someone at the bus stop with a AAA Large egg, this is about how the police handle it. Why don't cops pull over vehicles carrying large numbers of younger people and check to make sure they aren't egging people?

    I know this is profiling but I want to know how you blades feel about this. So do you think the police should be allowed to profile on certain nights/days or is this just a slippery slope that starts with hell night and ends with everybody getting pulled over "just to check".
  2. Gate night is for 12-15 year old who think they are hardcore by egging/smashing pumpkins.

    If you ask me I dont see anything entertaining about egging, I wont lie ive done it before when i was in that age group, but ive grown up a bit :p
  3. I wasn't referring to the moral implications of gate night or who should go out and do it.

    I was asking about the responses from the cops.
  4. Everyone does eggin sometime in there life I admit its pretty fun but pointless.

    Fuck houses go for nice cars in the summertime.
  5. In response to the bolded content,
    Police could end up pulling people over who are coming from hockey practice or something lol. Police have far more important stuff to worry about like potheads or stuff like tht
  6. So much as think of smashing my fucking pumpkin that I put effort into I will put a pipebomb with a pull fuse on it tied to my porch.
  7. Ya Why don't cops pull over every car that's full of black people Shit they could be gang members.

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