Gang Bangs

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by RecStoner, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. Have any girls here been with more than one guy at once or in a night?

    I think gang bangs are so hot! I would definitely get in to one if my wife would. I am sure most girls would love getting fucked more than once but the whole society thing would fuck all that up.

    Any girls here experience it? How was it? Were you alone or with you mate?
  2. I'd love to do it, but I sure wouldn't let my girl be fucked by someone else ;)
  3. I guess you have to be totally secure in your relationship to do it. I would love to swing with another couple or have a 3 some with another guy, my wife is up for it too, but she doesn't want to risk our relationship over that.

    I can understand her point and respect it.
  4. Just out of curiosity, do you not feel like a 3 some would jeopardize your relationship either? Or is it just the wife that feels that way?
  5. i dono about swinging and or a gang bang, but i guess im kinda open to the idea of swinging...

    like i think fucking in the same room as other people fucking would cbe kinda cool, i just dono if i could handle the switching of partners. and or sharing of partners.

  6. I would love to help you fuck your wife. Wassup?

  7. I'm secure enough to say no, it wouldn't bother me. I think it is more her issue of seeing me with someone else too. It is sex, just sex, an erotic experience for the both of us.

    There's a difference between cheating on each other and sharing an experience.
  8. It sounds hot but I would probly go homicidal on the gang
  9. It's just erotic for me, a turn on.

    What it's ok for guys to bang chicks, but chicks can't get their freak on. Come on now.
  10. I would love to do it sometime, just need an extra guy.
  11. [quote name='"RecStoner"']It's just erotic for me, a turn on.

    What it's ok for guys to bang chicks, but chicks can't get their freak on. Come on now.[/quote]

    Not all men are man whores

  12. I'm sorry
  13. No way bro, that shit is nasty. Im the only guy that's gonna be in the bed; but other ladies are more than welcome, and my girl has plenty of gfs who are just a phone call or text away. She be bi, I've had 4 girls in the bed once; I made my ancestors proud that night
  14. I have to tell ya, I am obsessed with pleasing girls. I would just love to give her an ultimate pleasure as long as it is ok with her. I don't think any less of anyone that has or would.

    It's all good. different strokes........
  15. As long as I'm the only guy. and 2-3 amazing girls.

    I know, I'm greedy!

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