Game of thrones

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by boydamien, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Well finally i watched the first episode just now.

    I hope it gets better,cause im not impressed so far lol
    Few heads chopped off and some wee kid pushed from a window.needs to improve

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  2. Blasphemy!!!
  3. dude, you just dont even know.

    and theres a huge GOT thread already.
  4. Yea i did have a quick look for the thread,feel free to delete this :)

    Watched second episode, now im intrigued lol that midget is funny

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  5. Give it a few episodes you'll be addicted if you watch the entire first season ;)
  6. Yea on the third now haha

    Im guessing its loosely based on a mythical britain. The wildlings and monsters are meant to be scots.?

    Sent from my SM-T210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. oh my, you have barely scratched the surface of the epic that is game of thrones. 
    I wish I was where you are right now. Embrace yourself. 
  8. I actually smiled when that annoying poofy twat got that gold poured over his head lol

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  9. the beggar king, Viserys Targaryen.

    Sold his mothers crown and would have let the whole khalasar rail Dany if it would mean he could have the Iron Throne.

    Fuck that guy.

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