Galactic History Show

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by pickledpie, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Now, I haven't heard something so incredibly fantastical, absurd yet enthralling in a long time and I felt like sharing this. I'm hooked. I can't vouch for the authenticity of anything being said here, but I can tell you that it is interesting to say the least.
    Sadly you must download the file, so I hope that doesn't scare anyone off.

  2. #2 pickledpie, Sep 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2013
    Nvm, I found this

  3. This shit's tight
    I mean i don't know if i believe it all, but it's definitely interesting as fuck, i'm into astral projection pretty heavy but this dude's experienced some wild shit on tha astral plan
  4. spectacularly boring
  5. There's a reason no credible historian would ever call that man an historian.
  6. It's still very interesting. Very interesting. He must have an incredible imagination to come up with the things he has come up with, and even so, all things contain truth, as does this.
  7. #7 White Indian, Dec 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2013
    Not really. It sounds like something off of a generic sci-fi show on cable television. Galactic historian? That would only sound cool to a 10 year old or something. Do they have Jedi sociologists too?
  8. What you call interesting I call a waste of time.  There is about as much truth in this as in one of Charlie Manson's rants.   In fact, Charlie has this guy beat in the sanity department.
  9. So the guy in the blue shirt is a super special snowflake huh?
  10. Charlie Manson dropped a lot of truth if you ask me.

    Dude is pretty eccentric, but its a good way to make money. Probably gives people some sort of happiness in their depressing lives too.
  11. #11 White Indian, Dec 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2013
    Yeah, they make people happy with a bunch of bogus shit, while making a profit off their backs at the same time. That's called being a con-artist--the lowest of the low, if you ask me. Trafficking peoples souls, essentially. Very insidious stuff.
  12. Well if people fall for it so easily and actually believe it a hundred percent, its kind of their own fault. This dude is just doing his own thing. Looks like he actually believes what he's talking about. Can you blame him?
  13. Um, yeah . . .
    Well you can blame nature for making him, and you can blame the internet for allowing him to spread his... Ideas. You can blame horses for allowing humans to domesticate them, thus changing the course of human history and eventually allowing this guy to be born. You can blame his father for teaching him what he did and his mother for giving birth to him. Humans have the ability to think for themselves, if they waive that right, you can't blame the people who they give that right too.
  15. yeah lets not blame the guy taking advantage of people...lets blame other things and the victims
    This is a major problem in the world. I am saying we blame no one. The concept of blame creates some sort of conviction against a person and makes them into an enemy. The enemy is ignorance, not people.
  17. people taking advantage of other people should be held accountable....
  18. It's easy to picture that guy playing dungeons and dragons in a wizard costume drinking some mountain dew and eating pizza
  19. We are constantly taking advantage of others. If we hold each person accountable, how would we deal with it?
  20. By fuckin dealing with it...not by promoting con men and trying to justify what they do...

    Sent from Melmac...

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