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Gaining weight

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Braddock, May 9, 2011.

  1. unless you're on the warrior diet.
  2. Just exercise more and eat whatever the fuck you want..
  3. kush and gatorade
  4. #24 FuckBeerGetWeed, May 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    You're a dumbass. The best way to stay or get healthy is to eat six small meals throughout the day so that your metabolism is constantly going
  5. Eat and eat healthy food! Fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread, lean meats!

    It tastes great, fresh, natural, and eating healthy is pretty rewarding-especially when stoned.
  6. fucking yogurt is the cat's pajamas when you're baked .
  7. I wouldn't want to get yogurt all over my dick

  8. what?

  9. I rofl'd
  10. I don't even know because I can clear like 10 watermelons, yet maybe eat like 1 bag of chips when I'm high. They just don't look appetizing to me d:.
  11. why do people make threads asking a question and then never return?
  12. Lol burning and not eating? Good advice guys haha.

  13. soe cayshe nigra
  14. Here's what I do. And trust me it helps. My dad who owns a gym taught me this except for the smoking part. I smoked all through out wrestling seasons and didn't gain weight but was always full after smoking and eat/drinking this

    After you work out smoke. Or if you want this for a snack consume this after smoking except use no whey protein.

    Mix 2 scoops protein (doesn't matter what brand I use American Whey) with half a cup of dry whole grain oatmeal!!! Yes! Dry oatmeal.

    Mix in about half water and half skim milk. Yes half water and half skim milk.

    Drink this relatively fast. When you get to the oatmeal at the bottom get it down with some water.

    The oatmeal then expands in your stomach making you very full. Trust me you won't want to eat after this. Oatmeal is one of the healthiest foods and you shit out the byproducts.

    Drink water after this too. Something my dad learned and passed onto me while he was in a powerlifting contest. It's used as A meal replacement. But I snack on it too. It will grow on you
  15. Drink A LOT of water. You won't store as much water weight if you have a steady supply going through you. I actually hate water so I drink a ton of seltzer and iced tea. Also, when you do cardio, if you know you'll be munching later you should do interval training (45 seconds slow followed by 15 seconds fast) to boost metabolism, duration is up to you (15 minutes or more in this form cool down not included). Low intensity cardio is also an option, but it is important that if you choose to do so, a longer duration is needed to see results (45 minutes or more). The beginnning of the day is the healthiest time to use the bike/whatever you use. Keep healthier foods around you; our body can get used to anything if you persist. Try whole grains, I know the breads not great, but the cereal and pasta are not much of a sacrifice for me. Good Luck :wave:
  16. Fresh, juicy oranges are bloody amazing. As well as blueberries. Ice water too. Traded this stuff in for Doritoes and Coke and never looked back
  17. Lawl, I've been eating watermelon like someone on here said.

    Whenever I really get the munchies, I just cut me up a watermelon lmfao, works great! And I shit it all out usually the next day

    ^^ TMI? sorry, high.
  18. Tbh, I eat healthy almost everyday, the only time I don't is when I'm baked/wasted..
  19. well if you wanna pig out pig out on good for you shit.. lie veggies or fruits. but dont ppig out it adds up erryday.
  20. eat oranges and drink water. it will w0rk

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