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  1. #1 Anehum, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
  2. Not opiates, but alcohol in my story.

    I helped a friend get off alcohol with cannabis, Sadly, it was only temporary. She'd go through her first 6 pack by 10 am! She had kids and wanted to quit for them and had tried before.

    She came over to my place. Her hubby had the kids. I just kept sticking joints in her mouth and doing the psychology bit giving her pep talks on how much better life would be.

    It wasn't pretty no matter how you put it, but I sat with her through the sweats and shakes and all that. But she said got through withdrawals this time better with cannabis than she had before without it. She took a shower, changed closthes and said she was ready to begin a new life.

    But, two weeks later, she was back at it, heavy as ever. :(

    As for the studies, I got them, too. Just click the first link in my sig and scroll down to "QUITTING OTHER DRUGS". There's a few there that are relative to your situation.

    I think that doctor was being a real (insert "very impolite word" here)! But the cannabis will help! It won't get rid of all the symptoms, but it helps a lot! Less nausea and pain for a start!

    OK, for how to do it. I wouldn't put oil into a drink- most of it would end up on the glass. Dropping it into chocolate pudding would be better. (Be careful making the oil! Lots of ventilation and NO sparks or flames!)

    Tinctures are easier (and safer) to make than oil and are easy to use by slipping it into food. They also work better in drinks than oils- the THC is dispersed in the tincture and can mix in better.

    The recipes on how to make tinctures are in my list in "METHODS OF USE - TINCTURES". And tinctures don't need to be made with alcohol. Glycerin (from the health food store) is commonly used for tinctures and in kid's medicines. No "alcohol burn" and it tastes sweet!

    And welcome to the medical section!

    Granny :wave:
  3. Cannabis interacts strongly with opiates. It immediately reduces tolerance to opiates so their effects increase.

    If you have your g-pa eat a tincture or oil, have him take a half dose, or reduced dose of his opiates.

    The combined effect will be close to what his regular opiate dose would give him, assuming he digests the oil correctly and the THC gets into his system.

    In any case, keep in mind if you have him take his regular dose AND use cannabis, he will be more heavily effected than if he had done either alone.

    So furthermore, you can use this effect to slowly reduce your opiate dose, while still maintaining stronger effects.
  4. Great post lebowski, beat me to it.

    I've smoked on and off for 6 years but in the past year had a lot of opiates to deal with pain from all my extreme sports accidents landing me in the ER 3 times in 4 months. After my prescriptions ran out weed definitely took the edge off of the cravings, although I didn't go through any bad withdrawal symptoms.
  5. I have a much more serious opiate addiction, and I have never found herb to be too helpful. I never kicked without weed, but I never successfully kicked. There is no reason to take your grandfather off opiates. The only dangerous part of the drug is the Tylenol they mix it with. I used to bang $3,000 a day worth of Dilaudud. The hookers in the dope house would literally fight for the rinse in my spoon because my leftovers were more than they got from a whole day turning tricks.

    I should add that I was seriously injured in a bad snowboarding accident at the age of 20.

    Keep your grandfather on his opiates. Look into Methadone or ,preferably, Suboxone or Subutex.

    I spent years in methadone clinics until I found Suboxone. It is the safest opiate, has the longest half-life, blocks the binding receptor making abuse impossible, and it has a ceiling effect between 16 and 24 mg. I have been on 24 mg/day for three years now. Suboxone saved my life. I cannot live without opiate pain control, but I cannot take normal opiates without sticking them in my arm.

    Do not waste your money on any sort of "rehab" scam. The only thing re about it is that it us based on a retarded 12 step Jesus program that assures you will fail and return to waste more money on worthless brainwashing.
  6. I have to add, large doses of pure opiate in opiate naive people can kill by respiratory failure. Unless your grandfather is suffering from compromised breathing, the dose he is on is not problematic. Even if he has the 10mg vidicon, two pills a day... Even for ten years, is not a problem.

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