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Future-proofing yourself against random drug tests

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by dokholidae, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. Hello Grasscity Forumers,

    How do you deal with the prospect of having the potential to be drug tested on your manager's whim? The drug test I'm speaking of is the random one that your boss might give you on any given day he chooses. My question is, how do you handle the thought of smoking everyday, knowing you could be drug tested at any time while you're employed?

    Personally, I carry a Quick Fix solution in my car at all times, so if I do get a random drug test, the least I can hope for is a piss test, and 5 minutes to grab the fix out of my car undetected. What do you guys do to protect yourself?
  2. I doubt your "quick fix solution" would do anything to help you pass a random drug test...unless by "quick fix solution" you mean "clean urine" and you change it out often enough to keep it fresh...
  3. Quick Fix - synthentic urine. It's supposed to be good for 18 months. Can you elaborate a bit more on why this wouldn't work well?

    The way I figure it, on the day I receive one, I just run to the car and grab it, put it in the microwave for 10 sec, make sure the temps are right, then just go in and do my thing. Of course, I'm not expecting one anytime soon but you know these things are unpredictible, hence it would be good to understand how people protect themselves against such events if they're a smoker.

    What would you do?
  4. dont give your boss any reason to want to "random" test you. Most places say they random test but that usually when you are slacking or fuck something up real bad.
  5. I'll be totally honest I was unaware of commercially available synthetic urine as a solution drug testing so I'll go ahead and eat my words there, my bad. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the effectiveness of the synthetic urine itself, but dont you think your employer might become suspicious if you had to grab something out of your car and microwave it before your drug test?

    I imagine it would go something like this:
    Employer: Oh, hello _____. As per company policy I'm going to need you to submit to a urinalysis today.

    You: Ok, let me just run out to my car real quick and microwave something before I head to the lavatory...

    Employer: ....?
  6. Very true, I don't give him any reason to. Still, a random test can truly be random at some workplaces, so there wouldn't be any bias.

    That's where you get creative, although I suppose it'll be awkward if the situation played out like that.

    Even then, I doubt he'll ask me to piss in his office, but rather, send me to the medical office or something where they have the equipment. The time in-between is where you take advantage of the opportunity.

    But I've never gotten a random before so I don't know what it's like.
  7. Yea after reading a bit about the synthetic urine I get where you're coming from. I'm not trying to shoot down your idea, shit its a decent plan its just dicey. But unfortunately thats the point of random drug testing. They're nigh on impossible to defend against.
  8. I think its against the law in some states for your employer to make you take a drug test without a 24 hour notice
  9. I can attest to synthetic urine being fantastic. I was at an old job years ago the night after a buddy's birthday bash, complete with coke and the works. I mean I was still strung out and they call and say they will be there in half an hour to do a UA. So, I'm freaking and call a buddy of mine who is working in a kitchen across town. He comes flying over, still wearing his apron and gives me a bottle of Tommy Chongs stuff, which he had put in a sock with a hand warmer. I stuffed it in my pants, filled the vial with it when the lady showed and then stuffed the empty back in my pants till she left. Passed with flying colors. The synthetic even had little floaties in it. Of course, this wasn't done at a professional facility where they make you empty your pockets and have the toilet seat taped up, but it worked for my situation.
  10. yeah iv used "quicck fix" and it works great. just throw it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds and then throw it between ur underwear band and ur body to keep it the proper temp for at least 20 mins. good luck finding a place to heat it up between work and the clinic though. hopefully u live RIGHT on the way and can work it out. good luck man and i hope u dont gotta drop.
  11. you could carry one of those instant handwarmers in your car, too. wrap it around the tube in ur pocket to heat it up to the right temp:smoke:

  12. Got any citations for that? I believe you are incorrect. A private employer can test it's employees anyway they want in every state I am aware of; no notice is needed.

    Seeing as how I'm a hiring manager and deal with HR issues like this I think I'd know. Not that I've ever had someone tested on short notice, in fact if I find out someone has to be tested for a certain customer contract I find a way to warn them to 'study'.

  13. Bingo!

    say it is random without bias, they still call you and let you know the day before. if you are insured with the employer they let you know where the clinic is and what time to show up.

    it has happened to me thas how i know
  14. ^^^
    That has nothing to do with state laws and everything to do with the policy of the company you worked for. Don't confuse the two.
  15. oh well in that case United Public Workers (County & State) are required by law to be given random drug tests. in the agreement it states the clinic is required to call the night before to let the patient know to shop up at the clinic instead of work the next day. i do not have a scanner to verify the newspaper article but you can check mondays issue i think it was.

    sorry bro just trying to be helpful.
  16. Yes, because it's in an agreement/contract. That isn't the same as being law.
  17. Since you're an hiring manager, I have a question. Suppose you wanted to random test someone, do you tell them and then perform the act instantly or do you send them elsewhere for the testing?

    I had a friend who mentioned he had a random, and it was done in the office via a mouth swab. I found that quite interesting, because it's a fool-proof way of preventing the testee to leave office to perform a counter-measure.

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