Funny/Odd thing about your dealer?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Tokage567, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Last time a thread like this happened GC ended up discovering that all weed dealers own swords, now there's this thread. What's some weird/cool things about your dealer?

    My dealer, besides having parties at his house constantly (I could literally buy weed in his room, go back out and sit down at his couch and smoke with people),

    he also had this huge poster on his door that said "Thank you for pot smoking". I guess that's just what you get in BC :smoking:.
    The dude's not even really a dealer, he's a service. I mean, even if he's at work or away or something there's always someone there to sell shit to you. In the 2 years I've been buying off him he's let me down once. :D

    Any of you guys have awesome dealers?
  2. damn you all up there in BC!
  3. You know it dawg, just so you guys know, the BC bud you get in the US is a few bowls short of an eighth if you know what im saying. BC bud in BC is DANK

  4. Hey im gonna be in Vancouver in the fall for school, is there anything i should know? And to answer the thread yeah my dealer is a midget! hes the coolest guy ever :hello:
  5. My dealer delivers, I don't know if that is rare, but I don't have to leave my house.
  6. My dealer is one of my best friends, do you find that odd? Other than that I can't think of anything.
  7. #7 Tokage567, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2009

    Lol Vancouver's the most awesome city, you going to UBC?

  8. Nah man, Vancouver Film School
  9. All the weed dealers I've ever had, around here, have been under fucking 5'8. No lie.

    Haha, i just thought about it. Every single one of them are little dudes.:p

    And they're all hilarious when they're drunk.

  10. Psh, mines only 4 foot if that:p

  11. They are all obsessed with souping up their cars too...

    That could just be all my money, though. Haha.
  12. im kinda loling at your price chart in your sig OP, thats the standard price for ontario too. but do you actually bring your dealer 8$ for a gram? i doubt it.
  13. The guy myself and my acquaintances get our stuff from NEVER wears a shirt.
    The BS about it is that he always makes me look bad...cuz not only is he always ripped...but hes Always RIPPED. Its Bs. Fuckin 12-pack mf-er....


    I want a 12-pack...


  14. That is exactly why he doesn't wear a shirt. He wants to show that shit off. Don't sweat it. You know when you're not there it's the only thing he thinks about. :D
  15. I guess it isn't odd, him being a dealer, but he's a very paranoid person..
  16. Haha exactly! I swear when the guys not smoking pot hes doing crunches or something lol...

    But to further contribute to the thread, I have noticed that almost every dealer i've ever bought off of has very distinctive facial features...

    You guys know what I mean? Like, if you saw their sibling and didn't know them, you could tell its their sibling...

    Lol I wonder if that makes sense to anyone else...probably not
  17. all my dealers wear like big BROWN BOOTS
  18. This may be odd, my old dealer is 4'8", has a huge afro, and never once dissapointed me. Unfortunetely he's now in jail, not for dealing, but because he stabbed a cab driver thirty times in the thigh with a pocket knife. Hmm on second thought I'm glad he's caged away, what a freak.:smoking:
  19. I have a very fucking awesome dealer. He's my brothers best friend, and he stays with dro. My brother hooked him up with his dro connect when he quit selling. This guy always comes to me, and i've done favors for him so he always hooks me up.

  20. Gotcha. lol

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