Funny moment in class

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by BigPapaR, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Today in my philosophy class we we talking about a reading about meaning in life. We were discussing how activities give meaning but other's don't because they are seen as worthless. Professor was like "worthless activities mentioned in the reading I think were sudoku, crosswords, chess, smoking pot." Me and my friend Jack are baked out of our minds and just kinda like smiled like you do when you can't keep straight face when you are trying to lie to someone haha. Our professor kinda chuckles at us and says "You're smiling at the chess right? Not the smoking pot ha" Jack chuckles and is like "Of course" and the professor asks "Are you sure?" and Jack is just like "I love chess." For us it was absolutely hysterical hahahaha, thought I'd share this. 

  2. Cool , stay high , and positive
  3. Lol, sounds like assert moment.
  4. I'd laugh at the chess. 

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