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Fungus Gnat/Fruit Fly Issue?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by 5cooby Doo, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. So I have a seedling that's about 2 weeks, transplanted into 3gal's. One seedling that just got it's set of leaves and a third that seems to be struggling a little, yellowing along the edges. Looks like N deficiency (i doubt it), maybe heat stress (possible but temps been nice lately) and the last thing I could think of is the bug's causing this?

    I found ONE fruit fly, killed it. Then found ONE fungus gnat/mosquito type bug on two separate occasions (Just one at a time).

    Temps on the high end but acceptable (sometimes) 30C (86F) , usually good around 26C (78C). Humidity seems to be okay I think.

    Should i spray neem oil on the poly walls? On the plants? Soil? Just leave everything how it is and keep a close eye?
  2. Myself, if they are just getting leaves I would use a little pyrethrin spray at a distance to keeep it under control and start with the neem extract after the plants have a few branches. Young leaves are sensitive to sprays and insects. The good news is there aren't enough leaves yet to harbor a large infestation.
    Sticky traps work Ok for white flys and gnats.
    Temp does seem a little high for that young of a plant.

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