okokok. so all of us come home, maybe not all of us. talk on the computer and type other words but meaning others? i do this all the time... heres an example WHILE HIGH!! me: <DIR>i keep it in a hello kitty corn purse in my purse CORN LOL DIES </DIR>coin. --- anyway. some pretty funny things happend while high... or when you cant understand something easy.. that happen to you guys?.. anyway post !!! another recent good time: anyone know the song 'wow, i can get sexual too' by say anything lol in the beginning it says If I die and go to hell real soon i sang it to a friend and said.. if i die, ill go to hell real sooon it was hillarious. i hope im not a complete retard anyway.
me(12:19:32 AM): ya so today at work some lady brought her retarded son in and when she wouldnt buy him candy he kicked over the whole dam shelf friend(12:20:41 AM): retards should just be like friend(12:20:43 AM): locked up in cages or put in a zoo me (12:20:47 AM): hahahah exactly bro
this isnt a convo but just a funny comment i wrote one night on myspace "if i were a dinner of sanchez, and he was your burritos sister. well then....i guess i would be a bryce. but seriously." i discovered it the next day and laughed my ass off. it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever
The most fucked up comment I have ever left someone on myspace was this "I Love you, For I am A Girl" 1. I dont remember leaving the comment 2. It was a hilarious comment, it made her laugh for a good 10 minutes. 3. I am a guy 4. I love Marijuana