Fucking Square

Discussion in 'General' started by Packman, Mar 27, 2005.

  1. Just came across this the other day. More bullshit from John Walters.

    August 10th 2004

    "Drug addiction isn't spread by a virus or a bacteria, it's spread by behavior. It begins with our children, in their teenage and sub-teenage years. They begin when they break the boundary of prevention, and they bring that behavior aggressively back to their peers. They encourage them to use. They're not secretive about it. And they become, first, potential victims, and then victimizers of others."


    Maybe he's so pissed because none of his peers brought their behavior to him. Fucking square.

    Which brings me to a question. I loathe this guy. More than that, I believe he is the complete opposite of everything that I am. So what can I do, as an American citizen, to help remove this man from his position?

  2. Have a bunch of pizzas sent to his house he didn't order.
  3. Viva La Resistance!!!
  4. Hahaha thats like on sixth form leaving day when everyone orderd 50 taxies and 20 pizzas to be delivered to the school .. the headmater had to pay teh taxies/delivery men for there troubles out of his own pocket.

    And yea .. this dude is a dick !
  5. ......i Dont Even Know Who This And Even If I Did I Wouldnt Give A Fuck
  6. I bet you would.
  7. He's the Director of National Drug Control Policy... a real bitch

  8. Still Dont Give A Fuck. Ill Snort A Rail Right Now For Him Though

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