Fucking marijuana.....

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by McBongwater, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. why the fuck do people think that they can steal other peoples plants? it seems that every plant i've tried to grow has been jacked. i mean why the fuck cant people just grow their own fucking herb. what kind of a world are we living in, where all your hard work, time and energy that you spent growing this plant, is wasted by some douchebags that are too fucking lazy to do it themselves, and on top of that, the fucking government wont lift a finger to help the people who got jacked.

    its fucked up and im fucking sick of this whole system.

    just needed to vent..

  2. #1 rule tell no one.
    learn it live by it respect it.
  3. Where were you growing?
  4. #4 CjX, Sep 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2009
    I've grown a couple of times here and there and the key to my operation is:

    Don't tell anyone that you are growing.

    I dont tell anyone, not random people, not my friends, not my smoking friends, not even my family. No one knows and I never got caught, never got jacked, never had any problems what so ever, cause NO ONE KNEW.

    Whenever my weed would come up in a conversation (like with my smoking friends) I would just say I got it from a dealer, just that simple.

    I also don't allow my neighbors to become aware of me smoking weed, or smoking anything for that matter. I take certain measures to make sure there is no visible smoking paraphernalia from my front door, no smoking smell in my apartment what so ever, don't have people over my house at random times really late, don't smoke outdoors or near a window, and I don't wear anything that may imply that I smoke weed.

    Works perfect, no one suspects a thing.

    Never got caught by the police, my neighbors, or my parents so far. (Close to 7 years of smoking now)
  5. if you ever show someone your plant collection
    proceed to show them your gun collection.

    works like a charm
  6. This is why I love growing indoors :smoke:

    The environment is totally controlled. I tell no one, not even my closest family. No problems :D
  7. Set up a bear trap near your plants.

    Yes, there are laws against booby traps, but if no one ever escapes your garden's clutches... -evil grin-
  8. OP hasn't replied yet but it's possible he didn't tell anyone and someone was just crop hunting and came upon it. I've never crop hunted or came across anyone's plants by accidents but I don't think I would steal them because I'm not that type of person. You see this side of the story, the person who put the time, effort and care into growing them and they are left with nothing!

    Sorry to hear man
  9. If I found someone's plants, I'd take a few colas and leave them a sticky note or something telling them they're stupid 'cause I found it so easily and to hide that shit better.
  10. look people im no douchebag, i didnt tell a fucking soul about this plant, i was growing in a secret spot on my property, and this is a total surprise, it happened in the early morning when i was asleep, i even checked on it the night before..

    just sucks is all, so i dont need to hear all the " you should of kept it more secret" and "if you needed money you would steal weed" and shit, if i needed money i would'nt NEVER steal weed, thats like stealing someone's newborn child and something i would not do if i didnt have a cent and was living off of food scraps..

    this problem wont go away as long as weed is prohibited.

  11. sorry to be that asshole hahah but i had to correct this shiznit.
  12. hes not talking about a straight up bag.. hes talking about a plant, that he spent all summer working on, and someone stole it.. hence its like a child... not that hard to understand
  13. I know a guy around these parts that puts bear-traps around his fields, you could try that.:p But seriously, that sucks. I'd chock it up as a lesson learned and try again next year, maybe hide 'em a little better and don't even tell your closest friends where they're at.

  14. ^ I was just about to type this ^

    It really does feel like that after you have invested so much of your blood, sweat, and tears into a crop.
  15. maybe a deer ate you weed? its possible...

  16. Have you ever grown.... anything? I would think it's fucked up to steal someones CORN plant, or even a tomato plant. You just don't steal something that someone has put that much time into.
  17. Totally, spending a 3rd and sometime half a year on growing and having it stolen, man i'd be so pissed myself!
  18. Dude just shutup.
  19. Let me lay it down for you plain and simple, never ever take it to heart when a plant goes missing outdoors, you need to factor some probability in on your next go.
    When growing outdoors do it in plants of 5, in patches of 5, if one location gets jacked there's 4 more, vice versa.
  20. Im with MrStoned on this one.

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