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Fucking Incredible

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by monmon030791, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. #1 monmon030791, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
    I'm growing Fucking Incredible from VISC. Its my first time, wish me luck. I have lots of knowledge about plants, its just my first time physically being a farmer so to speak. I have 8 plants, but I will only pick 1 plant and taking pictures of her until harvest.

    Room Size: 22' x 60'
    Light: 400 Watt HPS Hortilux
    Vent Fan: 4' inline
    Odor: Carbon Filter
    Intake Fan: 12' Table fan
    Walls: Visqueen plastic
    Plants: 8


  2. If your buds look like that picture I will straight up nut.
  3. 22 by 60 holy mother of god! post pics once they sprout
  4. #4 monmon030791, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2009
    Here are some pics...

    Attached Files:


    I've been looking ALL OVER, for a F.I. grow journal. I'll be following this one closely, for sure. I ALMOST bought some seeds, but I read the relabilty with getting them wasn't so great, and A LOT of people have been ripped off by VISC retailers.

    Glad that didn't happen to you =D

  6. Man I so understand you. I kept on looking in Google and everything, but nah I am deciding to grow it and see it for myself!
  7. Monmon! Please, oh please, update us on your FI. I'm about to start running it myself, and would love to hear what you have to say about it...
  8. I have a feeling this is going to be fucking incredible.. subscribed.:hello:
  9. amazing job man!

    gotta love those BC genetics, stinky purps and a great high :smoking:

    ill love to see more shots, and i hope your enjoying smoking that dank strain as much as i do
  10. Dude: Im doing the same strain. 1st time and totally organic. Pls what nutes did you use, how long was your total start to end/bloom time, yield?
    licensed medical marijuana patient here!

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