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Fucking funny moment

Discussion in 'General' started by Goochpooch, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. So its like right now... ReI'm listening to my iPod, actually watching entourage and the episode is near the end so I'm like aight, imma get baked and watch the next episode. Pull out my headphones and hear some commosion outside my room. My dad is trippin mad balls talking to my bro about weed haha... Soooo glad I didn't spark my bowl. He got caught smoking out his window with his brand new pipe that he bought today and I guess my dad walked down and caught him doin the dirty Hes talkin to him right now about how he is a different person and that he is not the same kid... My bros been smoking for a year do not like hes diffrrent, which my brother told him Anyways my dad is a brainwashed government sheep and if he brings it up tomorrow with me I think imma tell him also. Atleast then he will maybe realise that its not as bad as he thinks and that we are both not fucked in the head haha If you got this far thanks for readingha
    If you got this far thanks for reading and give me all the facts to fight against him!!!
  2. He's now saying that cigarette smoke and weed smoke are the same -.- he's getting him to research which smoke is better for you ;)
  3. Lol if its comin to research ur dad is gonna be fucked
  4. Yep, granny's list here we come
  5. Hell yea good idea
  6. UPDATE: he has taken my brother this morning somewhere, probably to show him the crackheads or some shit... But he told my bro to bring 60. Maybe he's grabbin ;)

  7. Yeah if he brings it up I would tell him too. But don't "fight" against your dad, just team up you and your bro to help him understand that MJ is not as bad as he thinks. If that doesn't work out then you guys just move out.

  8. Tell him that one of the government's top anti-cannabis researches, a world-renowned expert in lung health, after fighting AGAINST cannabis for the government for nearly 30 years changed his mind, once they began studying smokers, rather than the tar-levels alone!

    Not only that, but the same man, discovered that cannabis smokers have better lung-function, than 100% NON-smokers, due to the lack of harm caused, and our regular 'breathing exercises' (ie. all those hits from the bong have been strength-training our lungs!) Cannabis smokers can hold their breaths longer, they can take deeper breaths, and we even tend to absorb more oxygen per liter of air inhaled, in the same amount of time, when compared to non-smokers.

    This is why so many medal-winning Olympic athletes, are well known 'pot-heads'! :D

    Even members of the committee in charge of Olympic athlete drug control, are considering removing cannabis from their banned substance list due to its popular recreational use and the lack of harm it causes.... but they are meeting resistance due to the fact that, as mentioned above, it could be considered a performance enhancing drug! :eek: :p :hello:


    Before studying long-term cannabis smokers, they once mistakenly assumed that, where cannabis smoke tends to have 'x-times the number of tar', gram for gram, compared to tobacco, that it 'must be' x-times as bad for you.

    However, all plant tars are NOT created equal...

    That's hash, comprised of 120+ KNOWN inflammatory and cancer-fighting terpenes, as well as cannabinoids, compared to the entirely different resin in tobacco.

    I don't have the time to repeat the details, so below is a previous post I made on the same topic.... keep in mind that this is for smoking.... with vaporization, and edibles, you can eliminate all risks to lung function;


    After spending decades, and millions of dollars trying to find fault with cannabis, virtually all they could conclude was that based on 'tars', cannabis 'should' be 5 times more dangerous than tobacco, due to their different tar loads.

    It was the most convenient explanation they could come up with.. while neglecting to study actual cannabis smokers.

    The thing is, they intentionally neglected to mention that not all tars are created equal (for instance the tar from combusted drinking-tea leaves tends to be much healthier than tobacco gram for gram, while cannabis tar is even healthier and less detrimental than tea).

    And they conveniently left out the fact that cannabis tars tend not to collect and lodge in lung tissue in the same ways as those in both naturally occurring tobacco, and especially when compared to the synthetic chemicals added to common smoking tobacco.

    It's why they always like to whip out those photos of tobacco-stained lungs, but very oddly, no one's managed to capture a good 'nasty' photo for cannabis smoke!

    It would be a bit hard to believe, that the thought to go out and find one, never occurred to them. [​IMG]

    Regular cannabis smokers, not just vapers or edible users, but smokers, tend also to have greater lung capacity and higher lung function (oxygen delivered to bloodstream per breath/volume of air inhaled), than not only tobacco smokers, but greater than 100% NON-smokers! [​IMG]
    It does so little damage, that our 'practiced breathing techniques' (ie. hits from the bong!) actually strengthen and improve our lung function over time!

    One of the worlds leading experts in lung health and smoke damage, a man who USED to be one of the top anti-drug researchers, has recently had to change his mind and opinions on the hazards of cannabis use!

    He helped pioneer the 'five times worse' theory, and he believed in it... that is, until he took the initiative to actually study those people who used cannabis, and made some starling discoveries!

    Smoking pot doesn't hurt lung capacity, study shows - Vitals

    Is Pot Good for Lungs? New Marijuana Study Adds to Health-Effects Debate - The Daily Beast

    Marijuana Use Improves Lung Function in Study |

    Top Anti-Drug Researcher Changes His Mind, Says Legalize Marijuana | Cannabis Culture

    "For 30 years, Donald Tashkin has studied the effects of marijuana on lung function. His work has been funded by the vehemently anti-marijuana National Institute on Drug Abuse, which has long sought to demonstrate that marijuana causes lung cancer. After 3 decades of anti-drug research, here's what Tashkin has to say about marijuana laws:
    "Early on, when our research appeared as if there would be a negative impact on lung health, I was opposed to legalization because I thought it would lead to increased use and that would lead to increased health effects," Tashkin says. "But at this point, I'd be in favor of legalization. I wouldn't encourage anybody to smoke any substances. But I don't think it should be stigmatized as an illegal substance. Tobacco smoking causes far more harm. And in terms of an intoxicant, alcohol causes far more harm." [McClatchy]
    We've been told a thousand times that marijuana destroys your lungs, that it's 5 times worse than cigarettes, and on and on. Yet here is Donald Tashkin, literally the top expert in the world when it comes to marijuana and lung health, telling us it's time to legalize marijuana. His views are shaped not by ideology, but rather by the 30 years he spent studying the issue. He didn't expect the science to come out in favor of marijuana, but that's what happened and he's willing to admit it.
    Here's the study that really turned things around:
    UCLA's Tashkin studied heavy marijuana smokers to determine whether the use led to increased risk of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. He hypothesized that there would be a definitive link between cancer and marijuana smoking, but the results proved otherwise."What we found instead was no association and even a suggestion of some protective effect," says Tashkin, whose research was the largest case-control study ever conducted.
    Prejudice against marijuana and smoking in general runs so deep for many people that it just seems inconceivable that marijuana could actually reduce the risk of lung cancer. But that's what the data shows and it not only demolishes a major tenet of popular anti-pot propaganda, but also points towards a potentially groundbreaking opportunity to develop cancer cures through marijuana research.
    Over and over again, all the bad things we've been told about marijuana are revealed to be not only false, but often the precise opposite of the truth. So the next time someone tells you that marijuana is worse for your lungs than cigarettes, you might want to mention that the world's leading expert on that subject happens to be a supporter of legalization." \t\t

    So statistically speaking you're on the safe side, but to most of us, logic still dictates that it's never really a great idea to inhale a whole lot of burning plant matter, especially if you feel something is wrong. If you're having problems, just cut back and give your lungs a chance to clear out (and be sure your source for herb is clean)!

    Personally I regularly smoke several grams, and more rarely, up to a half ounce a day around the harvest season/s and during celebrations, and the only times I've ever found myself having any difficulty (a little coughing after taking a hit etc.) have been after rolling too many joints and blunts in a row, while the same amount smoked through a pipe or a bong leaves me golden. [​IMG]

    Keep in mind that it's certainly not 'unhealthy' for anyone to be using cannabis, just because they don't have a serious medical condition... many scientists and doctors are beginning to hypothesize that cannabis can, and even should be used to supplement, an already healthy endocannabinoid system, and that even healthy or adequate bodies may benefit from outside source, similar to how our bodies can synthesize vitamin D from the sun, as well as by taking it in from the foods we eat; even if we're 'normal', if we take control over our levels and intake, we can be healthier for it.

    Cannabis is one of the oldest domesticated crops we know of, we've had a history and relationship with it that consisted of daily, to near-daily use, right up until a hundred years ago or so.
    (And you never know... there's a chance, that we had that relationship for a good reason, and that the serious prohibition of cannabis in the US could have helped play a roll in why, for the first time since we began keeping track, our average expected lifespan is decreasing in the US, while many less-regulated countries with poorer health-care and less food, are still seeing gradual to steady increases.)

    "In humans, vitamin D is unique because it can be ingested as cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) or ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and because the body can also synthesize it (from cholesterol) when sun exposure is adequate (hence its nickname, the "sunshine vitamin").

    Although vitamin D is commonly called a vitamin, it is not actually an essential dietary vitamin in the strict sense, as it can be synthesized in adequate amounts by all mammals from sunlight."

    Using vitamin D as an example is one of the easier ways to describe the theory to the layman, that supplementing our natural endocannabinoid system, can be beneficial, in spite of the fact our bodies already produce and regulate a similar chemical system.

    (And again, the above is just a theory. However, with everything we know now, until they can come up with something concrete that proves cannabis is more 'harmful' to the average human body than: white sugar, the synthetic materials in our clothing, simple plastic exposure, half the food on the grocery store shelves, or even the air we breathe.... these are all things that regularly send people to the hospital in much more serious condition, than cannabis ever could.... it's a bit unrealistic to say that it's 'bad' for healthy people, until after we eliminate 90% of the average population's day to day diet and activities [​IMG] ) \t\t


    Sorry for the long post...

    Have your dad sit down, and read Granny Storm Crow's MMJ List... tell him just to read just the titles of all the beneficial studies, and bet him that he can't do it in a single sitting!

    Even if he does accomplish it for the sake of the challenge, if he has any sense at all, he won't be able to ignore or pretend away the information he's reading. :hello:

    Cannabis is one of the world's oldest domesticated crops, we have more historical experience with this plant, prior to the last 80 or so years, than almost any other.
    There are thousands of beneficial, science-based studies on cannabis, compared to only a handful of 'maybe' and we think' articles, going against it.

    Tell him you think he's a smart man, that the government doesn't need to tell him right from wrong, and that he should do the math for himself, and decide on his own terms based on the information available what all this means. ;)
  9. I've watched every single Entourage episode s1-8 like 5 times...check my avatar and sig lol

  10. Whenever I've travelled to very large (500,000+ people) cities for work I've always been advised to keep at least $60 on me if I'm near any questionable areas, apparently that's the minimum amount most muggers will be happy with and not stab your face. Probably going to see crack heads.
  11. Bad kitty!! Thankyou for the response its much appreciated. I'm at work right now but I will definately use those points you've mentioned, although he does not want to listen I will try to convince him. This morning he told me to go look up the facts haha, he has nooooo idea what I will come up with. He's not a computer man so he believes everything that he's told by the gov, I shall set him straight!

  12. I bet that they are, my bro said that they were going downtown, ill let you all know what happens tonight
  13. Subbed for action
  14. your daddies a crackhead
  15. Alright guys. I've got some updates. Last night I came home from work and wens poke to my brother; he said that they went cutting firewood and downtown to see the crackheads(they went for a walk in crackhead park) but while on the way over there they passed a bridge, my dad says "roll down your window" uh oh, so he did and he threw the pipe and lighter off the bridge to fall to its death and get the fishes high.

    Here's the strange part that we cannot figure out; after seeing all the crackheads downtown they stop at a corner store and my dad tells him to get out and buy a waterpipe, bro says no, dad tells him now! He walks in and picks out a 35$ bong and heads back to the truck. Dad asks him how it works and bro shows him and then my dad makes a stupid remark like "of coarse you know how to use that" or "you are pretty familiar with that aren't you" and then they peace home.

    Now!!! This morning I hear my dad wake him up to go work again like the firewood chopping but my bro is telling him no and they are almost getting into some fisticuffs, now hey are upstairs doin something but bro was about to peace the house and then the fucking rage started, yelling and fighting twas like WWIII in this bitch

    Anyways, more updates to follow guys and gals

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