Fucking family can't put shit in the freezer the right way.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Weight448, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Lolz I'm probably one of these people, I get all sauced and stumble around my crib grabbin' all kinds of shit, leaving a path of messes and shit that isn't put away good!

  2. dude i swear by the spin and tuck method! my gf rides my ass over that but i think the spin and tuck is just as effective as the twist tie and is far more convenient!

  3. Lmao, I do that shit too. I can't remember how many times I've woke people up because Im downstairs trying to make a sandwich or something. I'm always dropping shit.
  4. A lot of people put bread in the freezer.

  5. fuck bread in the freezer. shit always taste nasty as fuck.
  6. #26 SplitGenetics, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Ugh my father & grandpa does this. -___-
  7. My parents can not fill up the ice tray properly. We dont' have an ice maker or a bin for ice so we take ice right from the trays.

    I have a water bottle that I keep full of icy water and I use half a tray (8 cubes) at a time. If you fill the tray up a little over the dividers, the ice gets little handles on it that make it way easier to remove by hand.

    my parents always fill the tray like just below that so it's a royal pain in the ass to take out ice cubes.
  8. Haha well my roommate leaves leftovers for months and tells me I can't eat em, so I throw them away when the fridge starts to smell.

    I'm just as bad, I get baked or drunk late at night and semi-sleepwalk into the kitchen. I'll open something up, eat what I want, and leave everything where it is while I go back to bed. My most recent one I opened up one of the tubes of Pillsbury biscuit dough, and ate 2 biscuits raw. Left the rest of em in the opened tube sitting in the fridge lol. When my roommate complained a couple days later, I ate another one and them left them on the counter. :eek:

    Dude a bin for ice costs less than $1. If you go to WalMart it might be $3.96.

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