Fucking cops

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Madmike420, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. Cory Palm was my dealers dealer...

    Eight charged in Hampden County's largest cocaine trafficking ring

  2. What a waste of resourses. And it does nothing to curb demand. Now the real violence begins while drug dealers fight it out to corner the now open market.
    Check out the loser comments too
  3. ..............

    :mad: f*k the police
  4. Also notice the lack of any weapons found, no guns no knives nothing, just some dudes trying to make a buck!
  5. So what if it doesn't curb demand. It will never curb demand. They got these guys out of the streets, and that's what counts. I don't know why you guys are hating. These are the guys that are involved in serious shit, that can give the department some serious intel on where there coke is specifically coming from, who's selling it, and where are they manufacturing/selling all the drugs.

  6. while i agree with this statement, i cant really say i care for coke or anything like that=/
  7. One of the guys was armed?

  8. No one was armed, this was a business, there just saying the last dude is armed so peeps will rat him out quicker!
  9. Springfeild illinois
  10. HIGH All, sorry to hear..but it's the life they choose...just like me...I like to Grow and it's illegal here and I will do the consequences that comes with it.

    Knocks on wood....

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