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Fuckin sweet! Aurora Borealis aka "The Northern Lights" From space

Discussion in 'General' started by Chrismittty, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

    This is cool as hell in my opinion, So I figured I would share:rolleyes:
    Its the Northern Lights....FROM SPACE!

    Aurora Borealis Viewed From International Space Station | Geekologie

    Aurora (astronomy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Links above have a few sweet videos and more information:hello:

    Imagine being wayyy up there in the space station and seeing the earth "glow" like that,:eek: It would be so trippy, even with out drugs:laughing:

    Man this would be so awesome to see in real life.

    I mean shit, could be all photo shopped and fake but I doubt it:smoke: Or id like to think not at least.

    Heres what it looks like from Earth, Awesome too!
    • Like Like x 1
  2. thats awesome man i was going to see the lights, but it was cloudy in my area at the time sadly. sweet pics.
  3. I wish I could've seen them from where I live.
  4. My bro caught them way up north recently when that solar flair was passing over a couple weeks ago.

    We're just so insignificant eh...
  5. much more beautiful is the view from earth than the view from space. of course, both are breathtaking but imagine seein that shit in your backyard when youre blitzed as fuck? yeah come on now thats all you need in life is to see auroroa when youre trippins

  6. Haha I would say quite the opposite,We must be pretty important if we get to see all of this awsome stuff! Look what were being shown, Its pretty amazing, I mean something:rolleyes: wants us to see nature as beautiful and wonderful.:hello:
  7. we are not insignificant at all.

    let us suppose that we can reduce to one year or 12 months the total duration of the known period of history of man: some 30,000 years. in these 12 months that represent the life of all our ancestors from the age of stone until our days, it is toward the 18th of october that the iron age starts. it is the 8th of december that the christian era begins.
    it is on the 29th of december when louis XVI ascends the throne of france. what kind of mechanical power does mankind possess at that epoch?
    exactly the same as that which the caveman has possessed plus whatever he was able to derive from draft animals after the invention of the yoke.
    by the 30th of december, in the first 18 minutes of the mirning, Watt invents the steam engine. on the same day, the 30th of december, at 4:00p.m., the first railway begins to operate.
    and thus we reach the last day of the year, december 31.
    at 5:31a.m., edison invents the first incandescent lamp. by afternoon, at 2:12p.m., Bleriot crosses the Channel. and not until 4:14p.m. does WW1 begin. at this date western man disposes of 8/10 of a horsepower.
    the following events take place during the last few minutes of the day: the first atomic bomb explodes. neil armstrong walks on the moon, and over 50 million computers are in use.

    we are not insignificant. we have accomplished a lot considering what we started out with (trees and rocks)
  8. ^^Yeah its much more scenic from here on earth, We have our atmosphere and stuff to thank for that part. It would be so cool to be able to see this from your back yard. I want to one day make a trip and have it correspond with this event :smoke:

  9. Your damn right it's amazing but I don't think it's anything to do with something wanting us to see it. The Aurora Borealis would still continue without us, it's just the 'radiation' -for want of a better word- coming from the Sun and colliding with certain atoms that occur at the polar regions, but the aurora can move down in latitude when solar storms occur, e.g. a couple weeks ago.

    Ah, but on the other hand if you were to use your arm as a symbol of the Earth's timeline and you held it out and grazed the top of your index finger with a nail file, that would be all trace of human existence wiped out.

    Granted the things we have done as a species in the last 50-100 years is phenomenal but when looking at the wider picture it is but a drop in the ocean. Compared to VY Canis Majoris or the Pleiades Cluster or heck, even compared to our own Sun we, as humans, are minute.

    It is by chance we are here, and it is only for this brief fleeting moment, so make it count and live it to the full.

    Thats my take on it anyway...
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Interesting view points yous guys, its pretty sweet to think about.

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