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Fuckin Rats

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by 5_Assed_Monkey, Jul 8, 2017.

  1. Have chewed down every single plant...they were put out to early and budded, huge buds...i saved the smoke, but ive never had rats do this....its not rabbits, none of the plant is eaten.....if i put screen up tgey can climb over. Im thinking tasty rat poison and something like a pc of hose i can put around the stalk....

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  2. Not sure if I understand what you are saying.
    You say rats chewed your plants down.
    You also say that it's not rabbits because they aren't eaten.
    So if I'm understanding correctly, the plants are like trees that have been chopped down?
    If that's the case, it might not be rats. It could be damping off.
    Damping off is a fungal infection at the base of the plants main stalk. The trunk of the plants basically rot at the soil line. It's caused by a combination of bugs in the soil, fungus and too much water. The plant just falls over and looks all chewed up at the soil line.
  3. IMG_1904.PNG You need shredder, or some snakessssssss
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  4. Could be raccoons, those fuckers got hands.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. They do have hands with opposable thumbs and they are fuckers.
    Perfectly summed up.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Lmao..This post has me weak AF... Go check out my posts if you want to see some real coons

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  7. Ill look into that fungus amongus.

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. I've had that too, this year they found my babies and ate 5 when they were about 4" tall under the t5. After I put my outdoor plants out I noticed leaves missing and set two traps, caught two in a two week span. Fortunately the outdoor girls are between 3 / 6 feet tall now so pretty much rat proof.
  9. I've had pack rats in my garden before..they love bud & will take them & put them in their nests & stash cactus around to protect the ganja. I make a cayenne pepper paste and paint it around the stalk with a paintbrush....seems to work. Not sure if Norway rats are the same but probably.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. be greatful is was not a couple of deer. Every bud on your plant would have been chewed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Eat damn rats bro, don't fuck em just eat em.
  12. Probably the same thing, here in Oregon we call that "crown rot"....
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  13. Rats or any other animal that would do that, would eat or destroy other parts of the plant too. Wouldn't just chop and run.
  14. I agree, either a sick twisted prank or this sounds a lot like crown rot. Last year growers has plants falling over dead, snapping at the base of the stalk. To combat it, this year almost everybody planted the base of their plants, along with the larger green roots above the soil line. So top of roots are above soil, plants still grow the same but no rot (using large outdoor containers 200 gallon+)
  15. What about cutworms in the soil? [​IMG]
    • Agree Agree x 1

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