Fuckin Hilarious!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by tut, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Im baked right now and i was thinking like what if you were visiting your parents and you went out side to smoke a bowl then came back in. while ur talking to your mom you burped up smoke. then you would be like " Mom, Im a dragon"
  2. not THAT hilarious but try it and tell us if it works hahahaha
  3. What if you actually are a dragon?

    Then what?
    • Like Like x 1
  4. What if you are dreaming your whole life?
  5. What if this thread didn't exist?
    • Like Like x 1
  6. :laughing:

  7. not funny, happened to me on accident after coming home right after smoking. this was when i thought my parents cared about me smoking though. I should have taken a hint when she half smiled and walked away
  8. Thread worthy? :confused_2:
  9. I just snotted hardcore out of my nasal cavity.


    Oh, you.

  10. you would be set for life. If your eyes were red you could say it was smoke from the fire that got in ur eye. If you smell like grass you could say you were burning down a pot farm for the police. And you would never need a lighter!!!!:smoking:

  11. thanks one of the few who had positive feedback:D

  12. Like the matrix that would be fuckin awesome.
  13. Have you ever sat back sober and watched/listened to the things people who are high find hilarious? Half the time theres nothing funny about it. What dumbasses we all look like.
  14. Soooo THIS is how high you are.... lucky.

  15. so get high and stop being a jackass, then you might have something useful to say. just saying.

  16. I have actually thought about that before haha.

  17. soooo many times i think about this
  18. haha sounds like something i would do.

  19. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1n19SF5IqE&feature=related]YouTube - Dreams for Free[/ame]
  20. hi⋅lar⋅i⋅ous  [hi-lair-ee-uhs, -lar-, hahy-] Show IPA
    1.\tarousing great merriment; extremely funny: a hilarious story; a hilarious old movie.
    2.\tboisterously merry or cheerful: a hilarious celebration.
    3.\tmerry; cheerful.

    Hilarious Definition | Definition of Hilarious at Dictionary.com

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