they corrupt mother fuckers, you never thing bad things happen till they do. I never did anything about to be said, but i never threatened. anyone, a big covor up is happening is going on to covor up what happened with sheriff department, i think they part of some kind of gang. fuck the popo, they dont help they just punish
Huh? A sheriff is an elected official, therefore accountable to the voting population. Where I live they have neutered the sheriff's office in favor of state police who only answer to a chain of command that is controlled by the DA. Our sheriff threatened to arrest any politician found to be corrupt, hence they enacted legislation to take away his powers. If you have a problem with a deputy, and are in the right, I'd suggest a meeting with the sheriff and see what's up. If the people of your area allow bullshit, you'll get bullshit, in which case I'd suggest you move. Our judicial system as a whole is corrupted, and that is because of judges, and prosecutors taking the power away from the jury. America isn't controlled by the majority, it is controlled by the majority who participate. Do you know who participates? The people who have family and friends in power. Get involved, stay involved. There are more of us then there are of them, and the more advocates we have the more vocal we become, the more involved we become and then we become the majority participating instead of being called a vocal minority of whiny bitches. You wanna tell us what's up, and why you are so riled, or are you just venting?
i dont want to say because its personal and i wasnt charged with anything and the reason they took my in is complete horseshit
What are you complaining for mate i get pulled up and dragged into lock up to be search almost daily just cos im consider an associate of organised crime in the eyes of my government and its new laws. Can't even go for walk down the street with a couple of mates without being charged for conspiring.
[quote name="fearjar" post="19372101" timestamp="1390187331"]Huh? A sheriff is an elected official, therefore accountable to the voting population. Where I live they have neutered the sheriff's office in favor of state police who only answer to a chain of command that is controlled by the DA. Our sheriff threatened to arrest any politician found to be corrupt, hence they enacted legislation to take away his powers. If you have a problem with a deputy, and are in the right, I'd suggest a meeting with the sheriff and see what's up. If the people of your area allow bullshit, you'll get bullshit, in which case I'd suggest you move. Our judicial system as a whole is corrupted, and that is because of judges, and prosecutors taking the power away from the jury. America isn't controlled by the majority, it is controlled by the majority who participate. Do you know who participates? The people who have family and friends in power. Get involved, stay involved. There are more of us then there are of them, and the more advocates we have the more vocal we become, the more involved we become and then we become the majority participating instead of being called a vocal minority of whiny bitches. You wanna tell us what's up, and why you are so riled, or are you just venting?[/quote]Bravo brotha.
I understand. You should contact the ACLU, at minimum write a letter to the Sheriff, or write an open letter to the editor of your local newspaper. If you need some help, this community will help out. Don't worry about your personal information, identity, lifestyle or the things you do. The NSA already knows, and they absolutely share that information with local LE(law enforcement). You ever see someone get popped and wonder how or why? That is how. And they want people to believe that it is a snitch in their pool. It isn't, but that is all the police need to say..."We recieved a tip".. Last week I read an article about two guys traveling through a local area, they were from out of state. This Sheriff..NOT a deputy, says they were tailgating a vehicle, (they said they were passing) pulls them over, says he smelled a strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle (which is all he needs to say to search)... Found 3 oz's of weed in ziplocks.....INSIDE a larger ziplock, in a the trunk! Has a nose better than a fucking dog I guess.
We are all heading in that direction. The assault on liberty will continue as long as the people remain divided, and uneducated as to what liberty really is. Globally we are being shackled and enslaved to become profit centers for corporations, privatized prison systems and governments out of control. It is sad that a man has become nothing more than a digit to them. And the few who have taken it upon themselves and drop out of the system and live off the grid are called wacko's and fringe. I think they are just the start of something HUGE. We need to stop being the means by which they control us. And that will take a collective effort. The whole of society is shifting in our favor though. We want clean cheap energy, sustainable food sources and less consumerism....that is something they cannot abide as it cuts into their profit margins.
We have hugely corrupt county officials here. Just a few years back our sheriff was taken into custody for 22 counts of raping and coercing female inmates for "favors". He was found guilty by a jury of his peers, and is now servering 70 years hard time. It cost the county over 10 million dollars in damages to these young ladies and is paid all by the taxpayers via a half-cent sales tax hike.
I can gaurantee you it wasn't a jury of HIS peers....if it was he'd be out walking around, taking a pension and probably be in counseling for the abuse he suffered at the hands of the seductresses. Cops don't convict Cops...they protect the integrity of the Dept...even if that means covering for a dirtbag. People have to have faith in their local PD'
I gotta be honest; I really liked the butchering of the word "department." Or was is intentional? Derperatment? Heh, I get amused by silly things.
I have to admit....I really miss the spellcheck on my new dashboard. I have these fat Irish fingers....I'll never be able to play the piano, or type without spellcheck easily....But they'll never be able to pry out PAX or my Pint, even from my cold dead hands...
Where are you from? I'm just happy there are no sheriff, or deputies where I live. One of the biggest reasons I love Connecticut. We have our local police. The smaller towns that don't have police have a resident state trooper. I love only having to worry about state police. I moved to Florida, and within a year of living there I dealt with 3 dirty Sheriff Deputies. Luckily I knew my rights, lol.
With an out of Control Government we are going to see a resurgence of Sheriffs over State Police...and that is a good thing. We need legal MJ to lessen their workload which will allow them to create smaller offices, and bring back a higher standard of officer instead of just hiring sociopaths to put boots on the street.