FUCK.... locked keys in car

Discussion in 'General' started by IronMaiden, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. So i go to college and live on campus and to smoke i go out to my car in the parking lot where no one is. and tonight i went down there blazed a bowl in the car and fucking locked my keys in the car when i was leaving i cant belive this shit. any ways i cant open it myself without calling a locksmith do it for like 60$. goddamn at least im high for now:smoking:
  2. if its an old enough car just bust through the lock with a screw driver and buy a new lock, still cheaper then a locksmith. or get a coat hanger
  3. sorry to hear that man!!!
  4. Try a slim jim, i locked my keys in the car b4 and opened it up real quick. Done it a couple time for my girl and homies. ALways feel shady using it tho lol even for good use.

    i know sometimes the temptation of breaking the window is strong so GL DOG!!!
  5. triple a is your friend
  6. I always find a way to lock my keys in my car, and I always find a way to break in!

    Two stories I'll share, cause they were the 2 that made me feel most accomplished in my ability tp break into my own cars. :hello:

    When I drove my Astro (yes, a fucking Astro, that thing hotboxed like nothing else could) I locked them in, all windows were up, and half the side window was latched (it's the kind that unlatches and folds outward). Anyway, I managed to cram a screw driver my buddy had into the driver's side window and pull it down about half an inch, where we patiently dangled string with a "lasso" tied in it until we snagged the hook to unpop the side window.

    15 minutes later, we did it. Ok. Now all we had to do we band a clothes hanger in the perfect position to push a VERY slick unlock button that requires a fair amount of pressure to push in. I finally got frustrated and started randomly swinging that bent up hanger at the side panel of the driver's door, and wouldn't you know it..CLICK. Unlocked. Fuckin' sweet.

    The other time was just a couple days ago in my Ford Escort. I locked my keys in and my window was open about an inch. I tried for maybe 10 minutes to latch it with a bent coat hanger and string, but it was too slick and it kept coming off. So I tried yanking the door open a few inches (I've seen it done to certain import cars ;) ) and that didn't work. Damn American cars :p

    So I was just standing there thinking at this point, pretty fucking pissed at the thought of having to pay some chump $45 to come unlock my car in under 10 seconds with a tool I could buy for $3 - but you have to have a "license" to buy it. Go figure. Needless to say that pisses me off, paying someone to get in in a few seconds when I struggled for a half hour and failed. Anywho. As I was standing there I glanced at the side of the window on the dirver side door, and noticed a little gap. So I start jiggling the window back and forth until I can literally pull it OUT from the frame it's in and stick my arm in far enough to reach the lock. Fuckin' sweet. Saved $45 and my faith in my ability top break into my own cars if I ever need to! Haha.
  7. Three words: Wire Coat Hanger. With no experience in these situations whatsoever, I pulled open a 2006 Toyota with a set of those and it's a skill that you should have under your belt. It comes in handy when some lady locks her child in the car at the grocery store and people are flocking around with hammers and battering rams.


    What you'll want to do is unfold them at the hook and make it as long as possible. Slide it down, with the hook facing the back of the car and fish for anything to grab on to (typically this should be about halfway down into the door). Once it seems like it's pulling on something, tug (slowly, but firmly) directly upward and see if the lock comes up. Believe me, this will be a frustrating fifteen minutes, but you will get it eventually.

    Also! If your car has a back door, try opening it first. After several failed attempts on that lady's car I was talking about, I tried the back door and it unlocked almost right away.

    Good luck!
  8. I called campus parking and it tuns out they do it for free so i still have enough money for an 1/8 for this weekend. thanks for all the help
  9. Just make sure that they don't get campus police to help you out only to open your car and have the smell of weed pouring out of your car.
  10. bend a metal coat hanger straight or how u need it with a lil hook on the end, pull out your window a lil ways(doesnt seem possible but a window will bend) enough for you to get a coat hanger in there and pull on the handle or do w/e.

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