Fuck life

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by dc1994, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. i was just thinkin, i dont want to wake up tomorrow. like i dont want to die but i just really dont feel like having to deal with the hassels of every day life. The days seem like they are getting longer and jam pack with more stupid shit. i wish i could die for a couple days and just like wake up from death.
  2. It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
  3. I feel you man, I wanna hit the reset button too. If only I could get my hands on some bars tomorrow with the tar i'ma cop, I'd be a goner. All weekend my life has been hell and I just thought "fuck this i'd rather be in jail than here" so I been gettin high all weekend (i'm on house arrest) so I said fuck it and been getting high before I go, but now shit settled down and I'm like "man, I dunno if I wanna go to jail or not"

    My PO told me she's comin this week n if I fail she's violating me n I'm goin to jail. I guess I might as well just send my ass in now cuz I'm going either way.

    "I have been guilty of kicking myself in the teeth" Ironic lyrics to the song that's playing right now right as I posted that last bit haha, down in a hole... and I don't know if I can be saved
  4. im turning my phone off tomorrow so i dont have to deal with all of this bullshit
  5. Thar ya go budday

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