Fuck life

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by SnowCappedHills, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. Fuck life. Why should we continue on? Do you want to continue? Why?

    Happiness yes
    Sadness yes

    You can't get one without the other because its used to measure each other. So their is a good side, and a bad side. Yes? But things can't be easily defined, you can't be all good, or all bad. Right? Maybe it's not relevant to considering if life is worth living or not, but its something to ponder. If you can't be completely happy can you be completely sad? If you are not one thing, what makes you something else?

    Fuck guys, I think of all this and I just can't help thinking 'whats the point'? Should I look forward to living life when doctors tell my mother she can all together stop taking her medications cause she won't get better? Why should life rip yet another person away from me? Someone who appreciates life and everything in life. And then there is me, with all my fucked up health problems, walking around questioning, and even hating life. Yet for some reason I just don't die.

    Am I suppose to feel better towards life when people I love keep dying? When I constantly am in pain? When I feel so lonely and ugly?

    Some would say from this I am suppose to say that someone new will come along. The pain will eventually diminish because nothing can last forever. Pain can't last forever? Then having no pain can't last forever. Its partial you see? But nothing in life is fair. One is over powered by another making it seem more so that way than any other. So instead of saying I hurt a lot, I say I am constantly in pain. I don't know... I'm just talking, saying my mind somewhere where even if I get chewed up, and spit out with what I had to say, all I have to do is turn of the computer and smoke a bowl.
  2. #2 TheAtmansPath, Jun 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2012
    3 things i believe cause suffering:


    3 solutions to suffering:

    No Desire
    Entire Acceptance.

    This is a very simple but very difficult path.. and for full disclosure I am not at some sort of peak, having successfully completed these things. I haven't, and I suffer. But it is a path, a journey. Life long, often ending without entire success. But each moment you go a little more toward the finish, life seems improved.

    To answer (or attempt to) your question about why live, why bother, etc:

    I would say, just... to marvel and be awestruck by the universe, by people, by biology, evolution, the human spirit, by nature and the earth (& its creatures). By the cosmic clusterfuck on a grand scale that is existance. and its cool!

    There is no need of a meaning for life. Why do you need meaning? Things can be pointless and simultaneously fulfilling and enjoyable.
    Do not be chained down by society. Do what you dream of, even little dreams.
    Explore, learn and grow.

    to do these things, i think, is to answer "why go on?"

    I hope you find sanctuary from suffering, beauty, and bliss, on this earth.

  3. Because we're still concerned with what's going on in this moment.
  4. You believe not to love something? Even if its family? Sure you love them, as you say your continuing down the path. But your better off not loving something? Better off not caring?

    Sure things that had no original point can become fulfilling and enjoyable. But is that fulfillment not the new point or meaning to the situation? Even if at first it was unidentifiable? Things all go in a circle. Oh the grass grows from the seed with sunlight and oxygen. But whats the point? So the grass and be eaten, thus dying? Does oxygen not have the purpose of keeping things alive? But what is the purpose of life. Life and no life. Waste or not waste? Purpose or no purpose?

    You say to do what you dream of? I dream of not being in pain, and being happy. Having things I enjoy around me and never viewing a day as work. To never be worried financially and to appreciate and love upon nature. To not see people or creatures around me suffer.

    Why follow your dreams, when you don't give a fuck? When people go around not giving a fuck and destroy things. You dream of people not hurting or discriminating Pitbulls and people are just going to turn a deaf ear and go fight them as soon as your gone. What happens if I hurt someone else? Should I care? Its easy to not care, and harder to care. Easier to say that life doesn't need a purpose.
  5. you are going to die, so is your mother, and her mother will die, or has. knowing something is destined to leave you, makes every moment with it amazing. love everything and realize nothing is yours, and you will lose everything eventually. the worse you feel at any given moment, the better you will feel when the grief passes. as you stated, good and bad are used to define each other. you cannot live an entirely sad life, and you cannot live an entirely happy life; although letting go of the bad, makes room for the good.
  6. All the suffering and dissatisfaction you are experiencing is only created by yourself.
  7. My Buddhist side of me says, let it come and live life.
  8. [quote name='"Superweener"']

    All the suffering and dissatisfaction you are experiencing is only created by yourself.[/quote]

    Amen. Thinking negatively will result in a negative outcome everytime.

    If you don't want to live... don't. But I wouldn't advise thinking so selfishly. Realize the struggles your mother is going through and be there for her. Enjoy her life while you still have her.

    The blunt truth, not trying to be a dick, but I may not have to try..
  9. Agreed.

    The ability to stand back and allow things to be without feeling the need to DO something.

    No urge to acquire something you don't need (the wisdom to know what that is), but to be able to appreciate and accept completely what you have.

    Accepting what is, regardless of what is, as the only reality, completely. Doesn't mean there isn't something one can't choose to do from this position, but this position must be from where one acts from.
  10. You did not understand what i said. I said not a word about loving or not loving.

    If you dream of not being in pain, i suggest you look for paths in ancient wisdom to help you do so, such as in the Tao Te Ching or the Bhagavad Gita, or the Upanishads, or the Dhammapada. these will explain better than i the meaning of the things i have said.

    Follow your dreams for your own enjoyment. It is far more difficult not to care- I think that a lot of times when we say "I don't care about this or that" that we do and we're trying to annihilate our attachment to them.
    to truly have your bliss not be effected by changes is very challenging.
    It is not necessarily easy or difficult to say life doesn't need a purpose, and its difficulty is irrelevant as it is likely true.

    You should try to understand more of what I originally said, I think some of the concepts are getting you confused about what i intended to say. Sorry for lack of clarity
  11. I don't think things are so black and white... I am sure there are times where negative thought has brought some sort of good. I mean this world hasn't been created on just positive thinking. But continuous negative thinking will likely lead to negitive outcomes, and that is what I think you where trying to get at.

    Wanting to die is not selfish. But on the contrary its quite pig headed of someone to claim someone who quite actually feels they are suffering, that they are selfish for wanting an escape of that suffering.

    Also... is there something that made you think I was not aware of how hard my mom works, or what she has done? I support her as any daughter would, she is after all about the only family I have left.

    Not sure why you feel the need to claim you are sorry for being a dick, embrace what you have to say. Cause your word is all you have. Stand by it.

    I have read the Tao te Ching. And in all honesty I hated it. A lot of whats in the book, to me was what someone should already realize as common sense. The rest of it? I found it to be brainwashing people that they need to fallow the Tao to be enlightened. Sorry, I am not one for believing solely in one thing. Rather take ideas and concepts to create your own truth and enlightenment.

    Actually I never considered how instead of not caring being easy, could also be difficult. Really it depends on the situation cause I can think of cases of both. One could be that someone asks me where I want to eat, well often times I really don't care, and want them to pick. But they don't always believe me and I end up picking the first thing that comes to mind. But yeah I see where your coming from. It goes both ways, really.
  12. It seems to me that you are currently in a tough spot in life. In tough times our emotions often gain control and our thoughts become irrational. Seemingly you are upset about losing loved ones. Well i know a thing or two about that...both my parents were dead by age 13, 3 grandparents dead by 15. Ive seen both sides of the spectrum, bliss and complete sadness.
    Nothing is permenant, loved ones will pass, and to be unable to accept this is assuring misery and suffering in your future. To take things personaly, is a huge mistake imo. Life is tough, and? Learn, experience, grow. :)
    "In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm, in the real world all rests on perseverance."
  13. Accept and you become whole,
    Bend and you straighten,
    Empty and you fill,
    Decay and you renew,
    Want and you acquire,
    Fulfill and you become confused.
    The sage accepts the world
    As the world accepts the Way;
    He does not display himself, so is clearly seen,
    Does not justify himself, so is recognized,
    Does not boast, so is credited,
    Does not pride himself, so endures,
    Does not contend, so none contend against him.
    The ancients said, "Accept and you become whole",
    Once whole, the world is as your home.

    If that were common sense the world would be a utopia filled with bliss...:D
    And i suppose we both interpreted the tao te ching much differently, but seeing as its not something one can teach themself; but rather something that must be taught my a master, thats bound to happen. :)
  14. Because i was born with 3 overwhelming desires: consume energy, stay alive, and have sex! to perpetuate my race of course

    all else is semantics

  15. Why not continue on?

    You're going to die eventually, and then you're just dead. Why not finish the ride? If you decide to end everything now, you'll never find out how it would have gone.

    This is my one chance to be alive, so I'm going to stick with it until it's taken away from me. :p
  16. The only thing that really is negative in all of this is your perception of it.

    There is no "moral" in the universe only you perceiving something a certain way so for that reason you can change your perception of it.

  17. The funny thing about life and death is that your'e either one or the other. You can't be both. Also, you have to accept both to enjoy either. Now that's ironic.

    Life and death are neither completely sad nor completely happy, that's what makes them so beautiful.
  18. Idk man, I like playing halo, drugs, females, coffee, movies, futurama, masturbating, chinese food, jazz and rap musicsongs, swimming, working out, and a few other things. Those seem to be reason enough for me.
  19. Suicide is for cowards.
  20. [quote name='"Bluntzilla420"']Suicide is for cowards.[/quote]

    Odd. I think it takes a considerable amount of courage to pull the trigger

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