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Fuck it, I'll start one

Discussion in 'General' started by OscarZetaAcosta, Oct 16, 2022.

  1. I'm just sittin' here puffin' this bowl of some good and gettin' lit as shit...And thought, "I wonder how many famous people peruse these forums?" I think there was a thread like this on the way back old forum when I started that asked a similar question, and I remember reading that it was rumored that well-established members back then were actually famous pot smokers like Cheech and Chong.

    Anyone out there ever think the same shit around here?:coolalt:
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  2. Most of us are only a handshake or two away from someone famous, and the better off for it… Can’t imagine going through life with most everyone wanting to shake my hand, get a photo with me,,, or endlessly try to talk with me on a forum I visit for distraction…
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  3. You're Joe Rogan aren't you.
    That was one of the myths back in the day..
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  4. Oh no, there's video proof on YouTube that I'm nothin' more than a poor white trash dude that lived way too damn long.

    I've heard Ryan Reynolds too, I think someone also suggested I was really Oscar Zeta Acosta in way back times if I recall correctly.:coolalt:
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  5. This thread is goin' to be legendary when it is resurrected in 10 years by some unknown just perusin' the forum.:coolalt:
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  6. Hey Oscar were all famous people. Get your head out of the stars butt. Jeez.
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  7. Well, no famous person is gonna admit that their famous...They'd just come up with some bullshit story and cover their tracks anyway.

    You could be famous; I might be famous, @Dryptamine could actually be Joe Rogan.:coolalt:
  8. Who cares if they are famous. In a way, they are no different then you and me.
    Distractions is what they are

    i came across a few ‘famous’ people along the way and what’s the big deal? Just that they got a lot of money and people on their dick all the time. Some were cool and down to earth. Some were dicks.

    A lot of them are fake

    they don’t care about me, nor should they…Why should I care about them?
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  9. Cool.

    I was just curious, you didn't have to bother wasting your time...You could have simply ignored the topic, but since you did waste your time, did you know that celebrities don't poop?

    Fuckin' insane, isn't it...Don't even go number 2.:coolalt:
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  10. No But did you know poop is in the white house.. You need reported actually.
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  11. Report away.:coolalt:
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  13. Yea I Wonder That Too. Great Thread @OscarZetaAcosta ! I Wish I Would Find Out Somebody Famous On Here An Maybe Like 1 Of My Favorite Rappers Or Someting I Would Bother Them Until I Get A Autograph Lol.

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  14. A ton of people thought Snoop Dogg was for sure a member, Cheech and Chong were mentioned as members too...Jon Stewart, haha, pretty much every famous stoner was thought to be secretly a member here.

    That thread was legend.:coolalt:
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  15. #15 Dizzy, Oct 16, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2022

    Find Out Dr Dre Or Ice Cube Or Snoop Dogg On Here :D Or Maybe Cassidy Or Jadakiss Or The Game Or Nelly Or Paul Wall.

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  16. Lol. No they sure do not lol
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  17. it’s boom like dynamite one convo i could be Mata Hari, but a stripper
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  18. I actually heard Suzanne Sommers on a talk show years ago say that she hasn't farted in over 7 years. She actually used the phrase 'pass gas' but it all means the same. I guess celebrities really are better than you and me, lol.
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  19. Where I live its a no brainer to become famous, Get arrested and get your name and photo in the local rag news paper.
    Its the only reason I buy the paper LOL
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  20. We're all famous in our own way.
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