fuck i need help from experienced shroom users

Discussion in 'General' started by Bukley, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. i just ate 3 gs of shrooms which are supposedly real strong, and i downed them with cranberry juice, my friend told me that that might cause bad trips
    if yall could help me that would be chill cuz the last thing i need is a bad trip.
  2. nah dude, the only thing that will cause a bad trip is if you keep thinking about it. the cranberry juice will probably make it come on faster though. how much did you eat?
  3. i ate 3 grams at 11 and my body feels wierd as shit
  4. nah dude cranberry juice wont make a bad trip, yea you are gonna feel a little wierd thats expected, have a good time thats all I have to say you have nothing to fear but fear itself literally
  5. Ride the wave man, go with it. Three grams isn't a crazy amount.
  6. i am trippen balls
  7. just think cleary have fun on that trip...nice signature by the way That 70's Show is funny as hell.
  8. hey guys, Im the one who said the cranberry juice thing. Through testing and some experiments, the MAJORITY of bad trips came from people who had drank orange juice. I used 5 different people(including myself) of various age and "experience" levels with shrooms. I myself have NEVER had a bad trip from anything. 3 out of 5 people had a bad trip. MYself being one, I had a very awkward trip,not pleasurable like the many other times.

    The subjects then took 3 weeks off, and tried the same dosage, of the same strain, of the same harvest of mine. This time, Orange juice was used. EVERYONE had very pleasurable effects, myself included. Thought this data may be inconclusive, it has caused us to only drink it down with orange juice. I will post the talk with bukley.

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