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FU*K the Police, ticket info please

Discussion in 'General' started by greenerdeaner, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. #1 greenerdeaner, Feb 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2009
    *Read this first (for people who wonder why I'm mad at cops)*
    Long story short an off duty sheriff didn't look before he changed lanes and sideswiped me on the freeway. There were other highway patroll cars stopped nearby that came to talk to us after. He completely lied and said "I'm not sure if his headlights were on." He didn't even look before he changed lanes and changed really quickly. Right after he said that, all 3 of the other pigs said "yeah I saw you driving without headlights when you passed by." Even though they were busy with another bad accident. [This didn't happen today]


    Was going pretty fast tonight, needed to get home quick.

    -I was going ~93
    -I live in California
    -The pig wrote "90+" MPH on the ticket instead of 93

    I went to traffic school a few months ago for another ticket when I was practicing drifting in a parking lot lol. So traffic school isn't an option (it wouldn't be anyway since I was going 25mph or over the speed limit)

    1. The speed limit was 65 so is that considered reckless driving?
    2. If it is considered reckless the ticket costs more right?
    3. Any idea on how much my ticket will cost?

    Thanks in advance, and smoke a bowl on my behalf :( ($300-$500 I'm guessing which fucking sucks)
  2. you are mad at the police for pulling you over when you were going 93 in a 65?

  3. Seriously dude, it was your own fault. 93 is way to fast in a 65. And who cares if he wrote it 90+ instead of 93, you were going over 90 mph so he had every right to do that.
  4. damn that sucks dude... I usually go like 85ish on the 65-70s on the Interstate highways lol so Im going to be careful now... but they are right you were going over 90 so he had the right to say 90+. Maybe he did it because if your going over 90 its considered racing? Idk that would be my guess but Ive never gotten a ticket going that fast lol

  5. No, that's not why lol

    I just generally hate pigs

    Long story short an off duty sheriff didn't look before he changed lanes and sideswiped me on the freeway. There were other highway patroll cars stopped nearby that came to talk to us after. He completely lied and said "I'm not sure if his headlights were on." He didn't even look before he changed lanes and changed really quickly. Right after he said that, all 3 of the other pigs said "yeah I saw you driving without headlights when you passed by." Even though they were busy with another bad accident.
  6. While that does suck, it seems like maybe he sideswiped you because he thought you were approaching him at a speed of 65mph, not 93mph which would bring you much closer to him much faster than he anticipated.
  7. LoL, this didn't happen the same day
  8. My bad, guess I'm higher than I thought :smoking:.
  9. If the Officer hit you..and was off duty...then I doubt he couldve used radar or the whole speed thing is an estimate and can be argued in could he verify how fast you were going....and if he tries to, then that opens the door for you to argue that your headlights WERE on because you cant judge speed over a sideswipe.

    there are alot of holes in his case, and at the very least you can get the no headlight thing thrown out and the 90+ as well since theres no way to verify your speed.
  10. lol, wow..

    this didnt happen the same day!!!!
  11. Yea I fuckin hate cops. When I was 18 in highschool I passed an off duty cop in the center lane because he was fucking slow and I was following someone.

    He threatened me with reckless driving and shit. Too nosy and shit man.
  12. ok well sorry, but its very hard to distinct the 2 separate incidences.

    what is the one that just happened? the sideswiping? or the speeding?

    if it was the sideswipe..argue that he didnt signal..if the cops back him up by saying he did signal...then you can rip them to peices

    2 cars traveling at over 65 MPH are traveling at 95 ft per second, a blinker blinks at 1 Hz or 1once per second. meaning they would have to have been looking at his car from at least 100ft away, and as you said they were busy with another accident as well.

    and what lane were you two in? if you were in the left and he was in the middle, he would have used his left turn signal which if cops were pulled over on the right hand shoulder, thats over 25 feet away from the left edge of the middle lane and at eye sight, it would be very hard for somone to helping with an accident and claim they saw a car use his left hand turn signal when theyre in a very hard position to see it in the first place.
  13. #13 greenerdeaner, Feb 9, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2009

    Wow alright.......


    guess this is too confusing for grasscity LOL

    read the top of my original post!
  14. What does it say on your ticket. If it says, VC 23103, that's reckless. Reckless is a hard one to pin if you're going under 100, since it is if you are "driving with a willful and wanton disregard for the safety of others" don't cite me word for word on that. 90 in a 65 might just net you a +25 speeding ticket, my sister got one and went to traffic school for it.

    "California Vehicle Code 23103: Reckless Driving; Speeding at a rate of 20 mph or more over the speed limit on a street or roadway, or speeding at a rate of 30 mph or more on a freeway or interstate, while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs."

    If you go to court for it, which you will have to do if it's reckless, make sure you get a lawyer (traffic lawyers can be found exceptionally cheap online) and you should be able to plea bargain to a speeding charge.

    If you get a speeding ticket, don't be afraid to go to court for it and admit what you did was stupid, etcetc, plead guilty and ask for traffic school. The "law" says that you can't attend traffic school more than once every 18 months, but judges have an immense amount of discretion with this and will be more than happy to send you to traffic school because the court collects another 66 dollars (the court administrative fees went up from 41 to 66 because they want to remodel the court facilities to the tune of many many millions.) I believe the record for traffic school attendence in CA was one woman who went 13 times in 18 months.

    Hope this brightens your day.
  15. Thanks!, that helped a lot

    Can't get to my wallet right now but I'll definitely shoot you a pm later

    I'm pretty sure its not reckless
  16. Came in a little late to drop my two cents after barfdog. Anyways when I was 16, driving 87 in a 65 which landed me a $400 ticket but the judge dropped it down to $200 with traffic school, I was stoked and never drove fast again :D
  17. yeah, in mid december i got a speeding ticket in sacramento, 82 in a 65, I knew i was speeding and the cop was using a Lidar gun so fighting it is pointless and just went and paid the fine and am doing traffic school.

    I got a reckless ticket 6 days later for speeding, and that one never made it to the courthouse (see other thread) so I got lucky on that it seems.

    Lesson learned, I use cruise control a lot more now and don't drive fast during the holiday season when cops are out to fuck you in the ass.
  18. I'm planning on pleading guilty and begging for traffic school (I recently did it for drifting in a parking lot lol)

    Anyone know the success rate of getting a 2nd opportunity traffic school?
  19. I'm sure the success of receiving another chance in traffic school all depends on many things such as your age, the time between violations, how severe, etc. I don't think it will hurt to try, just put your nicest face on and kiss some ass. :)

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