
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by phishhead17, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Greetings, I started my grow pretty late this year. My plant is in NH right now. It's 38 degrees out right now. The frost is coming tonight to some valleys. Luckily my plant is up on a hill where it gets good sun exposure, so the frost might necessarily hit there. It's a hermi, started flowering about 4 weeks ago. We should be getting a spell of some rain and warmer temperatures here in the coming weeks. My question to you: Will frost kill my plant or ruin the flowers and make it unsmokeable?

    A happy harvest to all.
  2. I would like to know that too, i live in northern wisconsin, and i didnt plant late i just have a damn sativa on my hands, and i dont know when its gonna be able to finish.
  3. Are your plants in your own backyard? Are you able to make make shift covers? Frost is easy to beat if you cover your plants?

    If there are the boondocks then not sure what you can do. Lay heavy mulch around your plants would also help. Maybe some handwarmers on top of your soil. Go shake the dew off every morning. Hmmm
  4. I have been getting dew lately. Every morning when I wake up before class I go try to shake it off, but it seems to like sticking to the damn hairs lol..

    My plan for frost is first off, hook a few pc fans up to an old 12v car battery and blow it around my plants. I took some pvc pipe, and tied them together which is just a little bigger than my plants and use that to drape a tarp over. I guess if you wanted to go cheap, get some lumber and you wouldn't need much, just enough to hold the tarp around the plants so it is not physically touching the plant with enough room for proper air flow.
  5. 12 volt car battery? Is your plant in the sticks or your backyard? If your backyard run the fans off a 12v power supply. Also my PC fans why not a bigger fan?
  6. Yes, backyard. I don't understand your post..? The 12v battery is the power source.. What else would I run it off of, and how would I even run a bigger fan seeing as it's roughly 100m away.

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