This is my grow I started in a small homemade PC Grow Box in Miracle Grow. I had problems with the Miracle Grow and the small space of the Grow Box. So i then made me a cabinet that is bigger and added a another cfl daylight bulb. I repotted them from Miracle Grow to Fox Farm Ocean Forrest! Before I put roots in soil i spankled some Oregonism in the soil where roots would be. I will be using Botanicare Pro Grow and Pro Bloom In this grow. Cabinet door is not fininshed yet but Ill be added a wood door in the next few days. Let Me Know What You Think!!Thanks [ame][/ame]
Daylight 26 watt cfl bulbs 6500k!! They are 2 1/2 weeks old! Three bag seeds!! My first grow One had nute burn so I cut leaves on one of the plants ,as you can see!!
Just a update! I Got A 120mm 80cfm cpu fan for outake and used my two little cpu fans for intake! I got a small office fan for inside the box. I added 3 more small cfl 13 watt daylight cfl bulbs and 2 26watt cfl daylight bulbs. So that's a total of 2 26 watt daylight cfls and 5 13 watt daylight cfl bulbs. Its around 110 watts all together! [ame=]IMG_0541.MOV - YouTube[/ame]
well i don't have time to watch the videos yet but have a similar grow im trying to set up, so im along for the ride
I think the small one went down to nute burn!! As i used Fox Farm Ocean Forrest On The Seedlings!!R.I.P. I took it out yesturday and One Big Plant Exploded With Growth! I was likw WHOA!! Im not sure if the big one Finally recovered from nute burn from the mircale grow i started with! But My other bigger plant is droopy! I use the same nutes and water both at same time! One is like I said ,exploded with growth and the other is so droopy! Any ideas Why?
Its two different bag seeds from dank smoke. Both strains are different. I want to lst. Any pointers on lst I should know? When is a good time to lst? Thanx guys
Great video - I only watched the first one. Nice grow too. Really good design. I like the Velcro. Suggestion: that single light being held by a piece of duct tape - secure it better. Tape will get hot, adhesive will weaken and that sucker will fall on your plants. Also I have seen different bag seeds do weird stuff. Really old seeds sprout slow, supposed good bag seeds sprout fast and deformed. I have failed with a lot of seedlings because the seeds suck. I am too cheap to order seeds. I'm in the education phase of my growing so why throw away money. I must admit my mouth waters when I go to seed sites.
Are you using miracle grow organic? Just wondering because I am doing some plants with it. She's super young so it's difficult to tell. She had a rough birth!
Yea i have redone the box and have more lights without tape!!HAHA thanx for Suggestions I ordered a Cobra Flash Seed Automatic from single seed center! I just want to learn on bag seeds before i mess up my lovely Cobra Auto!! THANX FOR YOU COMMENTS BRO!!!
I started with Miracle Grow Potting Soil and it sucked!! Nute Burned my plants bad!! So I switch to Fox FaRM oCEAN fORREST. iT BURNT MY LITTLE SEEDling so bad it died! i may get the fox farm frog for my seedlings next time!!
Did you get the MG Organic? That does not have the time release nutes. I heard Oceans is to strong for smaller plants. If I didn't have to drive 45 minutes I'd be using that.
Does it have no nutes? I'm just looking for something to start seedlings with , that will not nute burn them.