From Germ To Seedling??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by SPECO, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. I germinated two seeds and them placed them in rock wool that had been ph adjusted. next it put them in a heated seedling tray with a dome. Neither of them have grown up through the rock wool. They've been in there for about a week, how long should they take to sprout through?
  2. I would have expected them to show by now. It's possible the heated tray has cooked them. Pics?
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  3. Yeah they should have come though by now don't worry about the heat mat..

    I put mine straight in rock wool and then in a humidity dome and see them within a few days.
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  4. How far below the soil did you put them? I've had some take up to 9 days to show.

  5. these are 2 different strains, silver haze and bubba kush, the silver germed really fast, since putting them into the rock wool nothing has seemed to happen, i pulled the rock wool back to look inside and it looks just like they did when i put them inside
  6. Who has germinated seeds and then transferred them into Rockwool? Besides ph balance the Rockwool what else did you do? Seed tray? Humidity dome? Tray warmer? How did you water them? Did your dome have the vents open or closed? My germinated seeds looks the same as they did a week ago when I put them into the Rockwool.
  7. Also when did you introduce light?
  8. Vents open! Light on instantly. Just a cfl will do normal house one is good enough till they pop then try a 130 wat cfl.
    Do you have the little black plastic cup thingo to put rock wool in? Not nessacary tho.
    Dw theyll pop dont over water.
    Keep them moist not wet
  9. The dome and try I have came with a T5 grow light. I may have overwatered. I’m letting the Rockwool dry some. I’ve had the vents closed. I really want this to grow, I’d hate to waste seeds.
  10. Yup we all broda
    Dont stress they may take there time
    What ever vibe u have with them handling them everything will trasnfer to the final out come of the smoke vibe so spread love! Play them music ect.

    Dont dry em to much! But moisture is what they need atm so dont stress.
    If you havnt got a thermostat get one. Chek humidity everyday 50% is good
  11. I pulled the rockwool apart and this is what I found. I’m assuming it’s gone. Should I try to put it into a new block?

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