From Columbus, OHIO?? Need suggestions

Discussion in 'General' started by Skempf, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Just moved here a few weeks ago, im dried up now, so I planned on going out "driving around" and going to a few bars, just need a few suggestions on how a fellow stoner would go about Columbus when you are new. Thanks for any info, pretty sure head shops are closed by now??
  2. of course I know hang around campus and High street but that narrowed it down to about 200 bars lol.
  3. The Joint is on S. High St downtown. That's the head shop I go to. The associates are really cool and friendly. There's a couple of head shops in that area, like on the same block.
  4. Well $60 in cover charges and a few beers, and a fail last night, wouldnt be able to make the head shops but some bars again I guess ill try

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