Friendships and weed

Discussion in 'General' started by xgrandpubax, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. Can be really good or really bad, right now its really bad.
  2. How's it bad?
  3. Ooohh dear.....
  4. Well it depends it can strengthen healthy friendships but also destroy them, a good one would be if you guys are just best bros smoking each other without any worries and just being happy and a bad one would be if your just using that people for weed and not valuable of their friendship so I can where the OP is coming from.
  5. Well in my case, after high school I only have my stoner friends that were my bros before we started smoking. Every other friend I had that I met through weed are losers. So I would agree with the gentleman above that as long as they are not mooching off you and actually care about you as much as a friend can, it should be good. Everybody is different though. If you wanna test it out, ask your buddies if they want to hang, with weed. See what they say

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