Friend's stoned prophecy gets us all free munchies

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by *dmoney/208*, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Okay, so a few nights ago, my brother and I's mutual buddy, whom I'll refer to as J, stops by out of the blue and wants to smoke a bowl. We've got some chron, he's got some rec shop bud, and we proceed to match bowls until we're so chooched we can barely move. Naturally, after about an hour or so of this, we all have fucking terrible munchies. My house had nothing of the sort, and as we are lamenting our conundrum, J randomly says 'Hey, what time is it?.' '9:30' I reply. Then J says 'Well shit, I bet it's perfect time to see if (The Exxon down the street from me) has any day old deli food for free!' Now mind you, I've only ever had this work at the other gas station in town, and rarely at that. So, seeing as I'd never tried asking for it at that Exxon, I was dubious, but willing to give it a shot. So we trek down there, as we had just enough between us to get a little candy, and sure fucking enough, the cashier on shift who is sort of familiar with us sees that we're not only cash-strapped, but stoned to boot, and starts wordlessly filling up a sack with an array of shit they had leftover in the deli case. We check out and he smiled a little and just threw everything else in the sack, too. After thanking him profusely, we head home and proceed to blaze more while we munched out, then proceeded to spend half the night playing old school Super Mario. I was amazed by all of this as none of us had ever tried it before, and we somehow managed to walk in right before it all went in the trash. Needless to say, not the biggest miracle in the world, but we were 3 happy stoners.

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  2. Bet it seemed like the biggest miracle in the world at the time though:love-mj:
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  3. Hahahaha, absolutely, man. Just one of those cool, inexplicable things that happen sometimes while you're smokin' with your friends.

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  4. hahaha great story to wake n bake to. Cheers!
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  5. Lol I remember In highschool
    Me and my buds would be high after smoking during lunch and have crazy munchies and would go around vending machines trying to see if anyone left money and we would manage to scrape 5$ most of the times hahah

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  6. You see now, that's true hustle, my man. I'm actually fucking astounded my group and I never did this shit. We used to get stuck in that age-old stoner dilemma constantly. Fuck, I mean it's a good addition to digging through the couch, am I right?

  7. Cheers! Thank you! :tacos:

  8. Yeah man sounds like the Exxon clerk done hooked yall up. Good deal

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