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Friend worried about possible Drug Testing

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Jamezterr, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. #1 Jamezterr, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2013
    Well here is the copy pasta of what my friend sent me, so Blades what do you think?

    "wanna do me a favor? Post on the grasscity forum and ask for me
    I would but im busy studying

    I'll type out really fast to summarize
    I've been working there for a month, I was put on a 2 week trial period in the beginning and it seems like they are keeping me. I'm considered a student employee (not an actual employee) I ship out medication. I did sign papers about drug tests, but it was all in the application."

    So hes wondering if he's past the worry period of being drug tested and if he should assume it safe for now.
    Much appreciated. :D
  2. Uh.. what about drug tests.

    Is there a possibility for randoms?
  3. Well hes worried that he may get drug tested soon and is wondering if he should go ahead and smoke since its already been a month and one hasn't popped up yet.
    So basically hes wondering if he's in the clear for now
  4. if they already hired him then your probably good. they do the drug tests before you are hired. i doubt they would randomly test. what kind of job is it?
  5. Most likely if they don't test him before they hire him, he will only be tested conditionally, like if he were to get injured on the job, or there was reasonable suspicion that he is it work under the influence.
  6. If I was him I would, but I'm not one that cares much about jobs and stuff like that. He should find out if any of his co-workers have ever been tested, if no then he's good. I never got tested at this one job I had, even though it said it in the application. I think most employers have that in there so that if either you look suspicious at work they can test you anytime, or if you get hurt at work the employer isn't liable if you test positive for drugs at the hospital they can use that against you.
  7. Yeah I was thinking he should assume it safe for now, I would of thought a drug test would of already been done if they were going to anytime soon.
    Alright thanks guys, sounds like he'll be happy to Blaze it up with me soon!

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